[@karamonnom] He shrugged and quickly caught up to her, putting two fingers to his mouth as if holding a cigarette, then blowing thick, lingering black smoke out, then smirked. "Do my abnormal parts bother you?" he asked as he stuck out a long tongue and poked her ribs with his tail. Derek had been ridiculed as a kid for being different. "They used to mock me until I smashed a kids head with a bass." he chuckled, still smoking an invisible cigarette. His tail flicked around wildly, never staying still, a side effect of being around a female, one that sucked when he was trying to sit in class. "So, hey, do we move in together? 'Cause that's the word I have heard." he asked, wrapping his tail around his waist, the end of it still wiggling madly. He was a bit unlike himself, he noticed he was talking a lot, he felt really hyper, and his tail was acting up more than usual, causing him to wonder if maybe the Match program actually worked. "Hey, you think this Match thing is legit?" he asked, not wanting to have a different opinion, which he found odd, because he usually never cared. He looked up at the blue sky and started blowing thin, wispy smoke rings at the clouds. Suddenly he turned to her and said, "Let's start a band. Green mice with hairy legs."