The crowd stirred restlessly as they waited to push through the main gates of the school. Standing in the dead center, still as a statue was Blanc, the other students tried to push him out the way and yelled for him to move, but he just stood there motionless. This was a sight to behold, so many happy faces in one place. How could they all be so happy? So oblivious? They were all green, unaware of the horrors that were taking place around them at this very moment, but was that so bad? Not knowing the horrors of this world they could live their lives without a care. Maybe, just maybe if Blanc had done the same thing he could have smiled so carelessly as well. His contemplative thought was interrupted when he was nearly knocked over by a larger student who was trying to force his way to the front of the crowd. "Move it shrimp." He said aggressively, as he pushed Blanc out of the way. If this had been before Blanc would have had to kill him to show his dominance, but here no one cared if he did nothing, they didn't even notice that he nearly fell. [i]Everyone's so oblivious.[/i] He thought to himself as he started to move forward towards the front of the crowd. If he didn't hurry, he'd fall behind and be late for the opening ceremony.