[@Eleventhfret] Jess gave him a dirty look for poking her sides with his tail but tried to calm herself down. Getting angry may lead to fighting and that would be a lot of unnecessary work. And there he goes again, talking a lot. It's a good thing his voice wasn't annoying to listen to. Plus she was impressed with his ability to smoke with an invincible cigarette. "I think your tail and horns are cool," she admitted. "And those kids who mocked you, totally deserved it." She didn't have any real cigarettes on her at the moment, so she just watched him. "I guess I don't mind moving in, my room mate is a buzz kill anyways. Just don't be too gross, I guess." When he asked about her opinion on the match she answered, "I don't know, don't care, I'm just glad you're alright. You don't get on my nerves which is rare." She got a lot more interested in the conversation when he brought up starting a band. "Sure, but I don't like that name. It's too long. We need something catchier. So do you write your own songs? And are we going to look do more members?" She was talking a lot, which is pretty out of character for her but she was excited. She has been looking for a band to join for a year now.