Okay guys, So I'm looking for someone to help me retell some of the stories we knew as kids. I'm currently doing one with someone and it's a really interesting idea. The plot is already there, but is there more to the story? Is what we know not really it at all? There will also be a couple of possible cross overs. [img]http://www.hercampus.com/sites/default/files/2014/11/18/Dark_Disney_2__Castle_by_Bubble_licious_1.jpg[/img] So a couple of rules, then my list. [hider=Rules] 1) please be an active rper. I don't mind a post every couple of days, but it bugs me when I start something and it just stops. 2) These will be none smut. I've done smut, but for these it will be a fade to black if we must go down that road, however I'm looking for story, not someone who wants to get their rocks off. That being said, there may be some adult themes (depending on how dark the story becomes) so if you're under 18, I'd advise you let me know prior to the start. I am over 18 myself. 3) Be creative. Do not leave me to do all the work. It get's very boring. It bugs me from either side when the partner I'm working with leaves everything up to me. If you do this continually, I will stop the RP. 4) If you've bothered to read these, make sure to add banana in your PM to me. This will show you have respect for my rules. I'd like you to express interest also by PM, not here. 5) Usual - no god modding, controlling etc. [/hider] Just so you know - I don't mind playing a guy or girl, and I don't mind if you want to change it to FxF or switch the original character's gender's around. - RL or anime pictures are fine, or if you're creative then you can just write out your character's description. I won't be asking for a CS because I expect a character to develop during the rp. - It's supposed to be [b][u][i]fun.[/i][/u][/b] - I don't mind if it's played in modern day or set when the story is. So the ones I'm interested in: - Peter Pan - Cinderella - Alice in Wonderland - Beauty and the Beast I'll update as I think of more, but these are some that I actually have ideas for. [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/57120cb1bd4a5959167360830db0aebb/tumblr_noerh0S8Ah1uu7y5ho1_400.gif[/img]