[hider=Jason Titian] 1) Basic info: Name: Jason Titian Team/occupation:(keep it blank for now) Species: Human Age: 18 Sex: Male Handedness: Right, trained in dual-wielding Aura/Effects: Metallic orange in color and appears as a translucent, slightly reflective oblong sphere. Symbol: A vertical sword behind a helm. Physical traits: Has a small scar on his forehead from a training accident. Misc traits: N/A Nickname(s): N/A 2) Appearance: Height: 6'1" Weight: 190 Eyes: Blue Face: Strong jaw, intense eyes (Suffers from resting bitch face). Hair: Brown, cut very short. Physique: Average build with a muscular physique from near constant training. Combat Outfit: Black combat pants with orange stripes down the outside of either leg, black combat boots and sleeveless under shirt. Ballistic vest with composite armor over top forming an interlocking breastplate (color of polished copper with family crest painted in white lines). Casual Outfit: White button up shirt and blue jeans. 3) Characteristics: Personality: Helpful and quick to laugh with his friends, he's never strived to be widely accepted. Preferring to have a few close friends that he can understand and rely on. He's been known to help strangers when needed, but those who are apathetic towards their own mistakes, especially when they effect others, only enrage him. Background: Jason was born in Vale to a family of Huntsmen. His father, uncle, grand and great-grand parents were huntsmen or huntresses of one kind or another. His father and uncle were close, being only one year ahead of his uncle they would often train together while at Beacon Academy. Once his uncle had graduated he'd joined Jason's father and went on most of their missions together. His father and mother met shortly thereafter, Jason was born two years later and his sister, Olivia, two years after that. Three years later his father and uncle were sent to dispatch a small pack of beowolves that had been spotted near the city. But somebody had made a mistake, while tracking the pack they were ambushed by more than five times what had been reported. By the time rescue arrived they had both been killed, taking dozens of Grimm with them. Growing up after that was hard, especially hard on his mother. For the first few years she did what she could but as she became more withdrawn Jason made it his responsibility to care for his sister and mother. For five years he acted as a surrogate father to his sister and ensured that his mother got the help she needed. Once able to care for herself and his sister, Jason began following in his fathers footsteps. After some initial protesting of his enrollment, his mother resigned, saying he was too much like his father. On the day he was accepted to Beacon Academy, she presented him with an old but ornate wooden box. Inside was the gun that had been passed down for generations on his fathers side, she told him it was tradition that the oldest child carry it and that he should have something to remember his father by. 4) Combat info: Position/Class: Brawler Landing strategy: Uses his semblance to impact the ground at full force, preferring the shock-and-awe it creates as opposed to a more conservative landing. Weapon: Two lever-action shotguns with a single blade along the magazine coming to a point ahead of the barrel. Also carries an old six-shooter hand cannon that's a family heirloom for good luck. (Has ornate gold scrollwork over the entire weapon) Semblance: Becomes enveloped in a metallic coating the same color as his aura, making him able to take substantial high velocity hits without even flinching. Effectively useless at stopping slow attacks from blades/claws and the like. Fighting style: Incorporates a lot of spinning slashes to allow for reloading of weapons. Prefers to use guns as a way of thinning out the enemy before engaging with swords. 5) Trivia: Relationships: None of note. Notes: Titian: A bright auburn colour, tinted with gold. [/hider]