Hope I'm not late to the party! Love the idea by the way. [hr] [Hider=Doqu'asas'llothizo]Name: Doqu'asas'llothizo or as most know him [b]Quasasll[/b] Species: Chiss Age: 39 Gender: Male Faction: Sith Empire Rank: Sith Inquisitor Appearance: [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/324/b/e/chiss2_by_silverintent-d6v121p.png[/img] Notable Race Traits: The Chiss species have little internally that is different from the standard Human affair with most organ systems being near identical in purpose to a human counterpart. The thing biologically that marks them different are their hastened metabolism, skin and eye pigmentation, and their heightened night vision. Flaws: [i]A Study of Loyalty:[/i] Quasasll is man of many faces and each face holds an allegiance. Loyalty to the Sith, loyalty to the Ascendancy, and loyalty to himself. These three paths really align and so he must juggle, picking and choosing which he focus upon at the current time but the problem juggling is you are bond to drop a ball eventually. [i]Gentlemen not a fighter:[/i] While Quasasll can still reasonably hold his own in a fight he would much prefer if he didn't. He considers himself a man of refined taste preferring a well placed word or splicing into a computer rather than direct confrontation. Some look down upon him for this because they considered him weak. [i]Fear[/i]: Quasasll is a man that is driven by his fears rather than his dreams. Fear of doing the wrong thing, fear of death, fear of failure. They haunt him in hours awake and asleep and because of this he can never find a sense of serenity. To find strength in ones fears only leads to weakness in the end as they have a tendency to dominate you. [i]Ghosts of the Past[/i]: A constant reminder of his failures, the ghosts of the past haunt him in more ways than one. Their visages appear and taunt him. He is a man not only running away from the living but also the dead. Skills: Lightsaber forms: Form V: Djem So Slicing, with most of his specialization being in information retrieval Coercion: Quasasll is fond of using charm and subtly over the more barbaric forms of blackmail. Well educated: his people hold high value in education and he is well versed in history and the sciences. Force capabilities: Basic Sith Force Powers Force Lighting Force Drain Force Fear Force Slow Force Illusion Biography: Doqu'asas'llothizo was born thirty nine years ago in the Unknown Regions. Csilla, the frozen jewel of the Chiss Ascendancy forever stuck in a state of ever permanence. Csilla like most the Unknown Regions was harsh and unforgiving, embracing the frigid grasp of an unending winter. He was born to a single mother who died in childbirth in the capital city of the Ascendancy Csaplar. No apparent relatives claimed the baby and soon he was sent to an orphanage where he spent most of his developing years. It was here that Quasasll began to learn the tactful skills of manipulation and coercion. He learned very quickly that the harsh Orphanage Mistress could be appeased if he just tattled on the other children for her. The lessons of the value of information had been imparted upon him then. His services to the Mistress allowing him to get his own room, books and other luxuries that other students could never dream of acquiring. Eventually though he was released from the custody of the state. Quasasll had little in terms of on the job experince and as the last of his house he had little influence to gain a paying job almost anywhere on Csilla. When he finally tired of begging on the streets and nearly freezing to death, he finally fell over to a life of crime. He found his place among a small gang of undesirables working out of the more economically deflated areas of Cysplar. It was there under the tutelage of an elderly Chiss who Quasasll only ever knew as Old Man taught him the way of a splicer. Splicing of course seemed like an easy fit for him because naturally it was just another way to gain information and as his time in the orphanage had taught him information was power. With this knew found fellowship he and the rest of the gang work mostly as petty thieves stealing what they could to survive. This worked for some time until they got greedy and decided to try and rob one of the ruling families. While the attempt failed it instantly brought attention to the gang and with it the authorities It was soon after that Quasasll was contacted by an agent of the Home Defense Phalanxe of Csilla. The man made his terms very clear to him either Quasasll helped set his friends up to be captured, or Quasasll would be killed in an extraordinarily painful fashion. Quasasll not being one that wanted to be killed agreed to deal and set his allies up to die. Things did not go as planned though as it turned out the agent had no plans on letting Quasasll go free and instead as a mercy only wounded him. Soon Quasasll found himself alone, his friends blood on his hands and awaiting execution. An execution that would of been completed if not for the untimely intervention of the Sith. It was around this time that a Sith representative was sent to Csilla to assure a stability of allegiances between the Ascendancy and the Sith Empire. On a customary tour of the capitol which included the prison the Sith representative met Quasasll. Sensing the young man's latent force abilities, and strong feelings of regret and anger a combination which could make a good initiate for the Empire. On that day Quasasll was freed from his bonds and was brought to the academy on Korriban to learn the ways of the dark side of the Force. At the time of his first tasting of the dark was on Korriban he was thirteen years old. A number which seemed outrageous to some through what he had seen but compared to a human by that age Quasasll had the developed mind of a man in his early twenties. Sith training was designed to break you, to destroy so you can be rebuilt with the ashes. Needless to say that the training was harsh several other Acolytes having died in the process. But Quasasll was not one to complain maybe it was his Chiss blood there naturally attraction towards following a command until it was done. But somehow he made it through each day learning what he could of the Force and history. He excelled in the ussage of Force abilities but to his own great shame he was only passable at light saber combat not having as much finesses as he desired. More importantly it was during his time on Korriban that he really began to study people as a whole. His observant eyes watched the others training with him, they also watched the overseers looking over them. He made notes upon how the complex social hierarchy of the academy worked and how if one just pulled a few of those strings the vibrations could cause chaos. Watching how he himself and others dealt with the pain brought on by the overseers he learned how the mind was manipulated and changed by our basers instincts: fear, regret, pain. The horrors he experienced should him how a few simple words could break a mind. In short he learned how to make people talk, to give him that coveted information that he so desired in his life. It would be these skills that really helped him later as an Inquisitor. During this time he was marked with the potential to become an Inquisitor. The trials that followed were some of the harshest he would ever face in his life. He learned to control his fear rather than be the fool who died by it. He learned how to channel his body through his force energy to achieve a mastery through the fuel of his rage. Many died, Quasasll was almost one of them. But he preserved through it, he channeled his anger and fear into the primal force needed for survival. So he was one the few that came out the other side mentally scarred but still breathing. By the time he was twenty he had become an apprentice on his way to joining the ranks of the Sith Inquisitors. It was during this time that he was taught the art of torture and more advance force techniques upon which the Inquisitors draw most of their power from. He began intensive study of Sith lore and history training to learn what he could of the spiderweb of history. Throwing himself with all his purpose into his studies, he wanted to prove himself, he wanted to appease the ghosts of his friends, he wanted to be strong. At the age of twenty six he was brought up the ranks again as an Inquisitor Apprentice. He moved locations at this point to Dromund Kaas where he spent most of his days perfecting his information gathering techniques on Jedi and Republic operatives. While not all of his interrogations were successful he did learn something from each and everyone, learning how to break the mind more effectively. While torture still fascinated him it was at this time that he found his second love in experimentation. The exploration of unorthodox methods was upon which his entire life depended on. He experimented not only on his prisoners but his allies and himself. After a couple more years of this he must of appeased somebody higher up on the food chain and he was appointed a full Inquisitor. Here he fully began to explore and improve his craft. Now that he was given his own crop of spies, political dissents and prisoners of war to play with he experimented with abandon. He was still fascinated with the mind and how it was so easily broken and half of his experiments were finding new ways to break it more efficiently. Some summarize that the only reason he enjoys listening to others scream is that it defaens the screaming in his mind. This may be true as the Chiss does seem most at ease whenever he is at work. When he was not gathering information he was jumping headfirst into old texts trying to figure out new powers and to improve his abilities. Knowledge did not just come from the living as it were it also came from the dead. Always trying to find a way to erase the past, to stop whatever was haunting his brain. Though it seemed as if he never could find the answer he was looking for. Never the less, the years past and the Chiss made a name for himself. He was one of those selected to go on the venture to Coruscant. He was a man with a set of skills that would find great use on the ecumenopolis. All the while he was doing what he did best playing the game of the mind, advancing his position slowly and gathering knowledge. Knowledge meant power and power meant knowledge. Personality: Cold as the ice plains of Csilla, Quasasll did not break many Chiss stereotypes as the aloof mastermind. Intelligent and well versed most would see him as a cultured individual who could converse with you on topics as varied as literature, history and advanced mathematics. He is calculating always measuring up each situation and placing each word with the utmost precision in the application. His tone of voice suggested an air of dominance over those he speaks too as if he already had them played around his finger. Like most he was willing to lie, cheat and stab his way to a higher standing. But underneath it all his choices in life still haunt him and he has spent many a troubled night looking up and just wondering. Player’s long term goals: Quasasll as a character is an intended study of mistakes, a study of the past. Quasasll unlike most of his Sith counterparts is haunted by his past. He is plagued by the decision he made long ago and these ghost haunt him into the present. Because of this he fell to the dark side giving into the power that he thought would help suppress these thoughts and yet he is still haunted. His intended plot line is about coming to terms with his past be it through redemption or damnation. This depends on his actions with the others and how these interactions shape his life. To finally be able to stop running from the dead, to lose his last hanging fears, to be at peace. With Quasasll's plot line I intend to bring up the crux of this analysis question, "How our regrets shape us as sapient creatures and how do we find our better selves after that?" Relations: Darth Nyiss: Quasasll knows Nyiss through reputation which among the Inquisitors she is respected for her tactically ability and prowess with the Force. Though he had never had the privilege of directly working with her. Jewel Namore: Quasasll once again knows little of the Sith Lord personally but is aware of her uncharacteristically quick rise to power among the ranks and brutal effectiveness in combat. It is something the Quasasll while not preferring direct combat can still admire. Zanna: Quasasll is keeping tabs on the apprentice at least. Future inquisitors are always an interesting subject for those already in their ranks. What would she be? A future ally or another enemy that most be killed? Secrets: One ghost of the past in particular haunts Quasasll vision more than any other. One of the former members of his gang back on Csilla. A pretty girl that on the night before his betrayal told him that she loved him. Many ghosts of the past still haunt Quasasll but this one effects him the most. Betraying her was in his mind his real greatest failure. Knowledge of this could lead to some very dastardly mind games against him.[/hider]