Meeka stood there awkwardly with her outstretched as she waited for the girl grab hers. Nothing, she just stared at Meeka and said nothing. Meeka shifted from foot to uncomfortably for a bit before she decided to just walk on. "It was nice to meet you." She said as she walked on by. She stopped for a bit though, looking in front of her, there were a ton of kids pouring into the school grounds. She saw a few people get knocked around by the throng but overall she was slightly scared about the whole scene. What if she too was knocked down, but never actually managed to get up and was trampled. No She told herself, now was not the time to be imagining bad things that could happen. Instead, she decided to think of happy things. Like meeting new people and making friends, and also getting her own summon. She just couldn't wait to what type of creature she would get. Meeka pulled a paper out of her backpack and looked at the map in her hand. Apparently, there was to be a big event on the first day of school and she needed to get there. Meeka pressed on, slowly pushing herself through the crowd. She was bumped a few times, but never knocked down (to her relief). She looked around trying to figure out where to go... it was no good. She was just too short to see where anything. Not giving up, Meeka decided to ask someone for directions, and that someone was a tall guy with white hair. "Excuse me sir, but can you help me find this area of the school?" Meeka pointed to a highlighted building on the map.