It's ready!!!:) [hider=Avix Veir] [b]Name: [/b] Avix Veir [b]Species: [/b] Balmoran Human [b]Age: [/b] 28 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Faction: [/b] My allegiance is to the Jedi order, even if their rigid standards tend to put me off at times. I see the merit in the other things they teach such as not letting your emotions cloud your judgments and emphasis on self-discipline. I've seen first-hand the other side of the spectrum and erratic pride filled Sith put me off way more. Pride is a crutch of the insecure and their "Passion" doesn't set them free... It eventually enslaves them, nothing more fun than using their "Passion" against them and robbing them of their pride. It is way more entertaining to me than giving them a quick death. As for the Republic? I see it as a tiresome old bureaucracy but it is a better alternative to the Sith Empires xenophobic form of rule. It is the lesser of the two evils that at least attempts at some sort of fairness as opposed to the oligarchy of Sith Empire. [b]Rank: [/b] Jedi Knight [b]Light Saber:[/b] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Captive? [/b] I happen to one of the rescuers of those poor souls locked aboard that prison ship. I hope they haven’t turned as that would be most unfortunate for them… [b]Appearance: [/b] Well I stand at 6’4 and have a muscular build. My eye color is hazel and I normally wear my straight black hair in an unkempt fashion. But here is a picture that will say a lot more than my simple description: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Notable Race Traits: [/b] He looks like a typical human [b]Flaws: [/b] Well one of my flaws is my deep disdain for the Sith as stated above. I fear that one day it will lead to my downfall and is a reason why I often meditate in my free time. Another thing that one could say is a flaw is my loose adherence to the Jedi code. It often gets me in trouble with my more rigid superiors but I still uphold the values my master instilled in me. I’m not the best with people as my interactions were mostly with my master and she didn't do much to help my social skills. Hence why I appear to come off as distant and standoffish to most. [b]Skills: [/b] I am an exceptional duelist, have exceptional agility and self-discipline to my benefit. As for dueling it is an absolute necessity and something I take great pleasure in. There is nothing more enjoyable then a good duel against a worthy opponent. I even have the tendency to using Dun Moch against my opponents to keep throw them off guard. My agility is just something I honed over years of training with my former master. I’m also very adept at guerilla warfare and often teach am dispatched to teach the locals of Sith controlled worlds how to mount an effective insurgency. I’m also adept with using and creating explosives. Comes with helping guerillas on Sith controlled worlds My odd ability improvisations is something that has kept me alive this long. You wouldn't believe how often spitting in your opponents face when sabers are locked has often given me the opportunity I need. Is it under handed? Yes… Do I care? No… I also am adequate with tech and can hack into basic things like maintenance terminals. I mostly studied in Form II: Makashi as most action I tend to see is against force users and is normally my preferred style of combat. I am well versed in Jar'Kai but often use this as a way of keeping my opponent off guard I also am very good at cooking; just because I spend most of my time in hell holes doesn’t mean I should eat like an animal. [b]Force capabilities: [/b] All The basic Jedi force abilities Force Cloak Force Stealth Mind Tricks [b]Biography: [/b] The first couple of years were quite enjoyable from what I remember… My parents ran a quaint farm in the country and we were never bothered with the troubles of the galaxy. This was my life for the first 10 years before all hell broke loose. My home world apparently held a significant value because of its location near the core worlds and the fact that there are quite a few weapons producing facilities made it an instant target for the Sith. The peaceful world I had briefly known for a decade was dragged into this pointless conflict. This greatly impacted my family and the area we lived in happened to have a major weapons producing facility nearby. It wasn't long before the Sith landed and dispersed various soldiers to acquire supplies for this campaign in the surrounding area. They took everything and tried to force my parents to produce more food to feed the soldiers in the area as they advanced against some of the Balmoran forces held up in the weapons facility. My father being a staunched supporter of the Republic initially refused to do anything for the Sith. The soldiers however had other ways of getting him to comply and beat him within an inch of his life. They then threatened to kill my mother and I if the beating wasn't sufficient motivation to aide "The Glorious Sith Empire". We now had a small contingent of Sith soldiers that stayed on the farm to make sure everything went according to plan and we met their quotas. If we didn't they would "motivate" us so that it would never happen again. This was the nightmare I lived in and had to witness things a young boy should never be subjected to. It was a living hell that was finally broken when Lucia Thaxton appeared a year later. She was on a mission to destroy the newly captured weapons facility in the area. Our farm just so happened to be a few miles away and allowed for her ship to land undetected. Under the cover of darkness she quickly made her way to the house and immediately saw one of the many episodes of cruelty that befell my family. One of the newer soldiers tried to sexually assault my mother and my father finally lost it. He tackled the Sith to the ground and began to punch the soldier senselessly like a broken animal that had just reached its breaking point. It didn't take long before he took a blaster to the back. My mother soon met the same fate as my father. I was then faced with the barrel of a blaster thrust into my face and could feel my impending death before a bright orange saber pierced through the chest of the soldier. I quickly closed my eyes out of fear and before I could open them it was over. When I finally opened my sheepish eyes I was met with the warm smile of brown haired women who appeared to be dressed in odd fashion. I was still traumatized about the whole situation but she introduced herself as Lucia Thaxton assuring me that everything was going to be okay. She took pity on me and took me back to her ship. She said that she would find me a new home after her mission was done and that I’d be safe there. So I waited… Several hours passed and before the oddly dressed young women trotted back in. It appeared her mission had gone quite well as I had felt a large tremor an hour earlier and she wore that same carefree warm smile upon her face that had greeted me back at my family’s farm. I was relatively quiet and didn’t answer her questions initially. After her repeated attempts to gather information out of me she finally settled on the simple question as to if I was hungry. I sheepishly nodded my head and could see a smile dance across her face as she took to the kitchen. What she made was delicious and after our dinner she began to inquire about me again. I was comfortable now and divulged everything I could remember. I was a mere boy so there really wasn’t much to tell aside from my name, a bit about my family, and the cruelty the Sith had inflicted upon us over this past year. She went on to introduce herself a bit more and told me she was Jedi. I had never heard such a term and asked what exactly a Jedi was. She answered it as simplistically as she could as basically saying the Jedi represented the light while the Sith represented the dark. I eagerly asked if I could join the Jedi as I wanted to pay those Sith back for all that they had done. Her warm smile quickly faded and she went on to scold me. She stated that the Sith were merely lost and needed a guiding hand back to light. She went on to state such thoughts of vengeance would make me no better than them. I of course had no idea what she was talking but solemnly shook my head. I asked her if I could be a Jedi. Her response was swift and stated I had to be force sensitive to be a Jedi. She could see the look of disappoint in my eyes and immediately backtracked stating that she could test me to see if I was force sensitive. My eyes immediately lit up and asked what this test was. She said it was quite simple and took my midi-chlorian count. She looked at the results and a sly smile crept across her face. “Well well looks like you do have what it takes to be Jedi… I can’t just take to a foster family now can I? It’d appear that I should take you back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for you to begin your trai…” she said before I abruptly cut her off and hugged her leg. “I want to go with you…” I sheepishly stated as I stared up at her with my hazel eyes. She immediately started stating numerous reasons why she shouldn’t take me as an apprentice but I would not budge. After she had exhausted all of her excuses she finally looked down at me and sighed. “Well looks like I can’t turn you down now can I? It would appear I am stuck with you and you with me... Just know I won’t be an easy master deal wi…” she replied before I quickly cut her off with my own words of excitement and continued to hug her leg. She then went onto ruffle my hair and finally was able to get me out of my iron grasp. We then left my home world and I was off to begin my training. During my early years with my master I often meditated, practiced the art of defending one’s mind from Sith mental manipulation and the art of light saber dueling with my master. It was a very graceful art form what I could see and I was pretty clumsy with it at first as I wasn’t the most coordinated child… However I eventually came into my own and began to pick it up pretty quickly as the years went by. During these early padwan years I however often never went on missions with my master. My skills as a shadow weren’t quite up to par and would make such missions a liability. I would see any action till about 8 years later and by them I had learned how to conceal myself through the force. With these abilities I was finally able to go on missions with my master and not waste away in that damn ship constantly practicing while she was out. Our first mission however was to take place on Alderaan. The planet was engrossed in violent battle with the Sith Empire and our mission was to infiltrate a Sith base to find crucial information about the Sith fleet that orbited above. This was to hopefully give the Republican fleet an edge in the battle. The initial part of the missions was very easy as we easily snuck by the Sith soldiers in the base using our force abilities to conceal ourselves. I remember I remarked that this was almost too easy before being scolded by my master saying that it could jinx us. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued on avoiding the Sith until we came upon the room where the information was held. After the initial upload was done we heard the doors open behind us and I caught my first glimpse of actual Sith warriors. Their red sabers were already brandished and it appeared they knew we would be coming. This couldn't be as we were hidden but the Sith who appeared to be the master stated that it was I who alerted them. This baffled me as I could have sworn I did nothing to allow for such detection but I guess I must have gotten careless. There however was no going back and a duel ensued as I took on a female Zabrak who appeared to be the apprentice. We clashed in a violent struggle neither able to gain any ground on the other. I was just trying to wear her down as she was a practitioner of Juyo. I figured her violent strokes would eventually begin to diminish as I parried them gracefully while striking back in a controlled fashion waiting for my opening. Little did I realize that my master had just finished off her opponent and as the apprentice had reached exhaustion; I saw my opening and I took it as I parried her diminished strike while flourishing in a vertical fashion severing her right arm. I immediately kicked her in the chest knocking her to the floor as I was about to deliver the finishing move my green saber was stopped by what appeared to be an orange saber reminiscent of my master. A sense of dread quickly filled me as I assumed the worst and turned my head to see it was my master. I was relieved and asked why she hadn’t let me finish her off. My master went onto explain that it wasn’t what she had taught me and that I hadn’t even given the Sith a chance to repent to the light. I protested but it was to no avail as I reluctantly asked the Sith to abandon the dark and come back to the light. The Zabrak just sneered before uttering a plethora of insults. “Well it appears she refuses our offer… You know what to do Avix…” my master said with a sigh as she sheathed her saber and turned her back to let me finish the deed. I proceeded to slice the Siths neck effectively ending her miserable existence. I had known my master had long preached redemption of the Sith and how I am to give them one last chance to repent to the light before I finished the deed. This however was a lot harder in practice as I saw them as abominations… Abominations that caused pain and suffering... Caring nothing for anybody but themselves as they wrought destruction through the galaxy… I brought these thoughts to the forefront when I engaged my master and she preached with conviction how she felt about them. She said she pitied them and saw them as lost souls that could be potentially be redeemed. She went on to state that Sith didn't kill Jedi if a capture was possible. Stating that they would try turn us but the Jedi didn’t seem to give them no such opportunity. She felt it was a great travesty and something that needed to be corrected. If I was to remain under her tutelage I’d have to abide by this practice or I’d be her student no more. I of course immediately back tracked and begrudgingly agreed as my love for my master over shadowed my disdain for the Sith. Over the next couple of years I steadily improved going on numerous missions with my master. Most would go swimmingly and I would hardly ever have to brandish my saber. The times we did we normally made quick work of the Sith we fought. Still none of them took me up on the offer to come back to light preferring death or attempting to catch me off guard. This made me even more cynical about the Sith ever wanting to be redeemed… Yet I still pressed on one failed conversion after another. During this time I completed my Jedi trials and was Padawan no longer. Yet I and my master still worked together. Things finally came to head about 2 years ago when I and my master were on a mission to destroy a Sith talisman on a deserted world which name escapes me at the moment. It had appeared on the scene first quickly making our way to the main chamber When we came to the main chamber of the room it had almost been eerily deserted. We both quickly came to the realization that it was a trap but it was too late as two Sith assassins were upon us as they emerged from the shadows. We were barely able to draw our sabers to block their initial onslaught. I engaged what appeared to be a human male but I couldn't tell as he was in some sort of armor that concealed his face. The other was a male Twi’lek with a light blue skin tone adorned in the traditional robes of the Sith. I completely lost track of how my master was doing as I keyed on the Sith that lay before. He was a practitioner of makashi as well and it made for a relatively intriguing duel as we both traded blows. I however got the upper hand and immediately flourished up sending my saber through his skull. I quickly saw that my master was struggling with the male Twi’lek. I was just about to enter the fray but it was too late as he punched my master in the face before thrusting his saber into her abdomen. The life immediately went from her eyes as she stumbled lifelessly to the floor. At this point a trickle of tears began to stream down my eyes before I immediately charged wrathfully at the Sith. I lost my composure and I swung violently at the Sith who seemed to take delight in my anguish parrying my aggressively sloppy swings. I immediately used force pull to grab my fallen masters sabers and assailed the Sith even more furiously. I slowly began to give into my hate for the Sith and started to overpower the Twi’lek before I ducked under one of his vertical slashes falling to my knee as I crossed my arms. I immediately swung my arms across my body severing both his legs. I stood up and was immediately about to strike him down in a violent fashion before I saw that it was my masters saber I was about to strike him down with. Everything she had taught me was about to be thrown away in this rage filled passion and immediately I stopped myself. This isn't what she wanted… I was about to become one of those rage filled monsters I long despised… No I won’t give in… I then lowered my blades and crossed them around his neck. I stated the ultimatum my master had said to numerous Sith. The Sith couldn't help but laugh feverishly at my proposal and began to gloat about killing my master. He refused my offer so I ended him… I would continue to do this even though I know that it may never happen but somehow I want to believe my master’s ideal would someday come to fruition. Oddly her ideal became mine but I would never openly admit it. I may be cynical about it but I long for that day I will redeem at least one. Hell I will even make the redeemed my apprentice. As for now I operate doing similar missions I use to do with my master except I do them alone. I rarely have any interactions with the others in my order other then the Jedi who give me my missions. The loneliness can be unbearable at times but I continue on hoping one day that I may be able to redeem one at least one. That would be enough for me… [b]Personality and/or Motivation: [/b] [b]Player’s long term goals: [/b] Well, being a Jedi Shadow it kind of is unavoidable as my duty in the Order is to destroy all things Sith. My former Master always had a different view on those creatures and often would give them one more chance to convert to the light before finishing them off. She always thought they were lost and could be saved if given the chance. I always thought it was foolish as most were too far gone or to prideful to ever do something like this. I personally hold a deep disdain for the Sith but will still do this practice as a way of paying homage to my fallen master. Who knows…? One day I might meet a Sith who takes me up on the offer and I’ll make them my apprentice. Don’t laugh… I’m being serious… But I probably have a better chance of breathing in space then that ever happening. Sorry I started to ramble but I fight to stop the spread of the tyranny of the Sith as I’ve experienced it firsthand and it’s instilled a disdain in me I just can’t seem to shake. Its one thing that scares me quite a bit as I know it could lead to my downfall and must be kept in check through meditation. [b]Relations: [/b] I do not have any relationships really with other Jedi as the order tends to keep us from mingling with the others as it can cause quite a bit controversy amongst the normal Jedi population based on our interpretation of the code and objectives. I however have run across my fair share of sith but most I end terminating with the exception of one. I was around 20 and engaged a rather vitriolic Sith as an apprentice. She was quite good but I of course was a quite cocky and instead of going for the kill dragged it out for quite the time as it was fun to infuriate her. However I was sloppy and a fool allowing such a creature to get away. I dear say if I run into her again things will be different and will take pleasure in watching the pride fade from her eyes like all the others in there last moments.[/hider]