So, what do you guys think? What do I need to change? [hider=Daro Grandes] [b]Name:[/b] Daro Grandes [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Faction:[/b] Jedi Order [b]Rank:[/b] Jedi Knight [b]Captive?[/b] Yes, taken during the sack. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and well built, Daro is a lean faced young man. With a broad nose and beady brown eyes his face is also decorated with a trimmed mustache and closely cropped red hair (Who is otherwise curly if left to grow unchecked). A scar runs across his forehead, result of an run-in with the Sith weeks before his capture. His body also bears several scars from his days at the front, and it's only at the insistence of his former master that he hasn't removed them yet. At the time of his capture Daro was dressed with his knight robes. Though the clothing was damaged during his apprehension and transport to the holding facilities. He also lost a shoe. [b]Notable Race Traits:[/b] [b]Flaws:[/b] Before being taken to the Temple, Daro was raised to value his family and friends above the good of the community and to not hide his emotions (as its custom of his home planet). The new reality at the Temple left the then young boy confused and somewhat resentful of the Order. And though the years have worked to make him mostly accept his lot in life, the feelings that he had as a kid are still buried somewhere in his mind. And he's still prone to get attached to his companions despite his efforts. During the course of the war he was already somewhat worried about the sheer power of the Sith. And the sudden assault against the Republic's capital and his own capture have eroded most of his trust on the Order and the Republic. And Though he still holds out a glimmer of hope of being rescued, the Jedi Knight is finding out, with growing shame, that the idea of cooperating with his captors to ensure his own survival is not as disgusting and shameful as he believed. [b]Skills:[/b] -Daro is a strong man, this physical prowess coupled with the agility gained from the Jedi training have made Daro an excellent fighter both in lightsaber and unarmed combat. -Daro also has a good head for numbers, this ability being further heightened by his studies in the Order. -During his training as Padawan, Daro learned a lot about the logistical aspects of a campaign. The necessary supplies for an effective operation, the importance of infrastructure in the movement of armies, how to run a camp and etc. [b]Force capabilities:[/b] Very Basic mind Trick. Precognition. Force Sense. Tutaminis. Force Speed. [b]Biography:[/b] Born on a small out of the way moon of an Outer-Rim planet to a family of miners. Daro would have lived his days working in the mines had the War not led the Jedi Order to desperately look for more potential recruits. Taken to the Jedi Enclave of Haashimut when he was 7 years old. The young initiate had trouble adapting to his new life at the Order, far from his family and home. Initially distrustful of those around him whom he blamed for taking his old life away. Eventually however, the young Daro found new friends within the Enclave, and realized that his life would be with the Jedi whether he liked it or not. With that in mind, Daro simply decided that he had to adapt and accept his new life. The years passed and Daro learned to suppress his feelings and accept what he learned with the Order, though he still harbored some doubts deep in his mind. When he was 12, Daro passed the Trials (despite opposition from some other more experienced Jedis who thought that Daro still hadn't really accepted the Order's values)., finally receiving authorization to venture into Haashimut's crystal caves retrieve his own lightsaber crystal. He then became Padawan to a certain master Gido Aler. Daro soon took a liking of his master. As the older Jedi was the closest thing he had of a parental figure since his arrival at the Enclave, and the chance to travel around the Galaxy looked like a gift from the Force when compared to the routine of the Haashimut Enclave. Though he took care to control himself and keep his emotions in check, mindful of the Order teachings and not wanting to displease Aler and risk being sent away. In his early years as a Padawan, Daro and his master traveled around Republic space. Mostly dealing with issues and crisis far from the frontline of the War. As Gido Aler was unwilling to bring an untested Padawan to fight the Sith right away. That changed when Daro was but a few weeks of turning 15. During a routine visit to investigate possible Sith infiltration in a major Republic supply node, the Empire launched a major surprise attack against the facility. Forcing Aler and his Padawan to take the field in support of the Republic's forces It was during that battle that Daro had the first taste of the Empire's military might. And though the Republic eventually managed to triumph, the Sith forces had managed to raze the facility and deal major casualties to the defenders. This incident left a lasting mark in Daro's psyche, it left him with a mix of fear and respect for the military prowess of the Sith. And since his master had deemed Daro ready to take the field after this battle, that idea would only be reinforced by his following experiences at the front. For the next three years Jedi Master Gido Aler would take his Padawan across the Galaxy, always into the thick of the fighting where the battles were the hardest. Daro's confidence in the Republic and the Order started to erode in the face of the Imperial onslaught. However the then-Padawan still maintained a measure of hope for the future, thanks in no small part to the presence of his master. Who became almost a living god in Daro's eyes due to his bravery and success in holding back the Sith tide. In 3652 BBY Gido Aler was reassigned to support the Republic's war effort in the Minos Cluster. Despite the balance already having been shifted against the Empire at the time there were still strong pockets of Imperial forces slowing the Republic's advance. As usual, Daro followed his master into the thick of the fight. Struggling against fanatical Imperial resistance to ensure the Republic's final triumph in the Cluster. And it was right after a particularly bloody engagement that Master Aler decided that his Padawan was ready and unceremoniously promoted him to the rank of Knight. Though not without a warning that both of them would need to present a good case for the Jedi Council once they were done with the Sith on the Cluster. Three days later Master Aler was assassinated. Devasted by the death of his master, Daro threw himself against the Imperial forces with wild abandon. For once his usual care and survival instincts forgotten as he fought to avenge his master. Eventually however Daro was separated from the bulk of the Republic's forces and forced to make his way back to friendly lines, all too aware and ashamed of how he had left himself slip and risk himself needlessly. But the return to Republican lines didn't meant the end of his problems as he soon found out that he had been summoned to Coruscant by the High Council himself. No doubt they had heard about his impromptu field promotion and wished to assert if he was worthy of truly being called a Knight. Daro arrived in Coruscant a couple months before the Sith assault, and spent most of his time under investigation by the Council. Who revised every detail of his life mercilessly, judging his worth and eventually deciding to give him a chance to prove his worth as a Knight. Though not without a warning. And then, when danger had apparently passed, the Sith attacked Coruscant and Daro was captured. [b]Personality and/or Motivation:[/b] Despite his best efforts, Daro still can't completely avoid forming attachments. Though he takes care to suppress them to the best of his abilities. Likewise, he still harbors some hidden doubts about the Order's ideals. And can be somewhat selfish at times. But despite that he still tries to be a good Jedi to honor the memory of his master. Even if his confidence in the Order and the Republic has been shaken. Overall Daro is also a careful person that values his sense of self-preservation, unlike his masters who threw himself headlong into the enemy. Daro prefers to think and plan ahead, not risking himself unless he has a clear plan of action (Even if many times he was forced to throw himself into danger to follow his master). His experiences on the front have left him with a mix of fear and respect of the Imperial war machine and the Sith. The assassination of his master while under the supposed safety of the Republic lines only reinforced this notion. [b]Player’s long term goals:[/b] Before being captured by the Sith, Daro's only goal was to remain in the Order and honor the memory of his master. Doing his part to ensure peace in the Galaxy. Though since his capture, Daro's only goal has been to survive until rescue. [b]Relations:[/b] Still working on that. [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] (this point can be PM’d to one, two, or all three of the GMs if you want. If you want it kept secret from someone in particular, specify that, please.) [/hider]