"Did you say something?" The other student looked back and asked with a neutral tone, his blue eyes boring into hers unflinchingly. Arsenia could tell instantly that she never wanted to be on his bad side. "I asked if you were alright, but I can see now that I don't need to worry about you," she answered back with a lazy smile, shifting her book bag to her other shoulder. One of the girls from earlier made her way over, her long blue strands of hair floating behind like angel wings. She was so adorable that Sen thought it should be illegal. "Excuse me sir, but can you help me find this area of the school?" The shortest of the group asked the silver haired youth tentatively, gesturing towards where the auditorium was marked on the map. "That's in the north wing of the school, on the first floor, straight past the library," Sen informed, making eye contact with the girl for the first time. "I think we've all got general assembly right now, so I can show you where it is if you need some help."