Lazarus awoke with a soft beeping sound of his watch. He never used his alarm clock because it would let everyone know that he was awake, and with his new "family" he was never sure when they were up or when they were asleep. It was one o'clock I. The morning so he was groggy. He got up as quietly as possible and got dressed for school. Now he could be mentally tormented instead of physically tormented. After gathering is materials for school he opened his window and climb down the rope he got over the summer and walked to school. Within the hour he arrived at the school with no suprise that no one was at the gate. He's sat there and waited thinking about how miserable his life is and how cruel the world really is. He eventually got infuriated with the idea and had to leave and find something to do. He walked the school's fence perimeter until he came across a slight bend. The bend in the fence looked as if it had been pride open awhile ago by someone. Of course the best course of action was to slip through and take a peek at the school. Unfortunately there were a decent amount of guards to avoid when trying to get close but he got the general layout of the school. Figures since last time it was burnt to the ground and they want the opening to go flawlessly. He slipped back out making g a note of where it was and walked back to the gate. It was about five o'clock and a few w students had showed up and started to talk with each other. He made sure to avoid everyone as much as possible. There was one kid that was being especially kind and greeting everyone he saw. It made him nauseous just looking at him. The boy notice him and walked over and Lazarus cursed under his breath. The boy said, [color=39b54a]"Hi my name is-"[/color] and immediately cut him off by saying, [color=ed1c24]"Go kill yourself."[/color] The boy was extremely surprised and hurt by his words and at first slowly backed away and then turned and bristle walk away from him. It was about seven o'clock and it really started to get crowded. It made him feel a bit better since it was harder to focus on one thing and there were so many things going on. He was leaning on the entrance gate trying to finish the day and go to the dorms as soon as possible. The gate eventually opened and he walked very briskly to the stadium. He took a seat closest to the exit so he could be the first one out. He sat there tapping his foot waiting for the presentation to start.