[center]In the beginning, two beings were created. They were given the names Alpha and Omega. Alpha was the embodiment of everything that is just and good, likewise Omega was the embodiment of all that wrong and evil in the world. They battled all throughout time, and all over the earth. Their powers were evenly matched, with one never taking the upper hand over the other. They realized they were too evenly matched to continue their battle, so they would allow fractions of their powers to begin manifesting in humans. These humans (who would later be dubbed "Supers") would then continue the battle of good and evil in the place of Alpha and Omega. You are one of these humans.[/center] [u]Locations[/u] Pavar: The medium-sized town in northwestern Arizona in which our story will unfold. The town is rather isolated, being surrounded by desert on all sides. However there is a large man-made freshwater reservoir north of the city. This isolation has led Pavar to become a very tight-knit community, and somewhat self-sustaining. The west side of town is home to the Sand Creek Mall, Pavar High, and a large steel mill that employ many people within the town. The east side of town is the Residential District, where most people are born and raised. Sand Creek Mall: The town’s main attraction, students and adults alike can be found here hanging out or doing shopping. All of the large chain stores moved out long ago, resulting in a mall that is full of locally owned small business. Stores include clothing outlets, a grocery, various department stores, a cafe, and numerous restaurants in the food court The chinese restaurant in the food court is the bomb. Pavar High: The high school where the citizens of Pavar send their kids to get an education. Your character should be attending, or had graduated from this fine learning establishment. Standard high-school courses with numerous electives are offered for students here. Residential District: The east side of town where people (as the name suggests) reside. Far from the cookie-cutter homes that are becoming popular in other American suburbs houses of all shapes and sizes dot long and winding roads. [u]Da Rules[/u] -My word is law, same goes for my partner in crime [@Marx] -Keep it PG-13, I don't mind some swearing but don't be excessive -I expect a post at least once every three days, and wait for two people to post before you post again ([b]You[/b], Other Person, Other Person, [b]You[/b]) -I understand that people have lives, so if circumstances arise that would cause you to be unable to post please contact me and I may make an exception -Your posts should be at least a paragraph in length, but please feel free to post more! -Keep powers diverse, first come first serve. I have the right to say no to having a certain power. Start with a single power for now, but more can develop later -[b]DO NOT[/b] post your CS in the CS section until it has been approved by me and you have been told to do so -I don't want "evil" characters. However I understand that gaining superpowers at a young age could lead to some morally grey actions, just don't be outright bad. -Have fun and be cool. We're all friends here. [u]The CS[/u] Name: (What is your name?) Age:(High school ageish. You can be graduated from the school and living in town. No older than 20. If currently enrolled at Pavar High include your grade) Gender:(Self Explanatory) Appearance:(Picture here please, non-anime if you can help it) Power: (What is your power? Handy list [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Supernatural_Powers_and_Abilities]Here[/url]) Personality: (Few lines of what your character is like) Likes: (What do you like?) Dislikes: (What don’t you like?) History: (You don’t have to write much. Was you character born in Pavar? Move? Friends? Family?) Awakening: (Describe how your powers manifested. Think of this as a way to show how you are going to write in the IC. A mock post of sorts) [u]Claimed Powers[/u] [@BuriedComic7] -Earth Manipulation/Geokinesis [@Marx] -Fire Manipulation/Pyrokinesis [@Remipa Awesome] -Electrical Manipulation/Electrokinesis [@Gareth] -Sound Manipulation/Acoustokinesis [@Winter05] -Dry Ice Manipulation [@Automaton] -Teleportation [@22ice22] -Probability Manipulation/Tychokinesis [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]THE TITANPAD[/url] [url=http://piratepad.net/nYxVoAf5SK]THE PIRATEPAD[/url] [hider=My Character] Name: Curtis Taylor Age: 18, Senior Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/ybqUF7k.jpg[/img] Power: Earth Manipulation Personality: Curtis is a very outgoing individual who is constantly making jokes (sometimes at inappropriate moments) in an attempt to make the mood light. That being said he can be serious when the occasion calls for it. Trusting to a fault, Curtis more often than not is an open book to other individuals. Likes: Oranges, Metal Music, Coffee Dislikes: Spiders, Hot Weather, Untrustworthy Indiviuals History: Curtis isn't a Pavar native. He moved to Pavar with his twin brother Ash and their mother at the beginning of their sophomore year. After a particularly nasty divorce their mother was quite eager to leave anything that reminded her of her previous marriage. This in turn has caused her to be distant from her sons, who have channeled this distance into different outlets. Curtis focuses on school and making the most of his last year of high school. Ash has found more [i][b]creative[/b][/i] outlets. Despite the stark difference between the twins they are remarkably close and will still have each other's back (even if it might take a bit of convincing). The two aren't identical twins, and their radically different choices of attire makes it incredibly easy to tell them apart from one another. When not attending classes Curtis can be found enjoying coffee at the cafe located in Sand Creek Mall, or scouring Pavar in search of his brother. Awakening: The alarm screeching brought an end to Curtis's restless night of sleep. He had went to bed with a terrible headache, and it appeared that he was going to start the day with another. Wiping the sleep from his eyes he walked down the hall to his house's bathroom, luckily it was unoccupied, This meant either Ash wasn't going to school or he wasn't even home from the night before. Either way it meant Curtis could take a nice long shower to try to nurse away this headache. Curtis stayed in the shower for quite some time, hoping that the headache was something sinus related and the steam would help take care of it. No such luck. He returned to his room wrapped in a towel and quickly got dressed. The headache was getting worse now, his vision would blur if he didn't focus. "What the fuck..." he muttered to himself while stumbling into the kitchen. Then it happened. It was almost like a snap. He felt it start at the base of his neck and travel down his spine. His headache was gone, but immediately replaced by something else. He felt [i]connected[/i] to the earth beneath his feet. At first the sensation was overwhelming, the feeling causing him to drop to his knees. He reached for the granite counter-top to help himself up, but was shocked when a chunk of the tabletop instead ripped from the counter and flew down into his hand. Curtis dropped the piece out of pure shock, it audibly crashing against the floor. The granite had moved in response to him thinking about it. Before he had much time to think about what had occurred the tabletop had begun to shake, followed by the utensils in the silverware drawer. Not knowing what to do Curtis ran out the kitchen door and out to the driveway. He stood outside in the hot Arizona sun and watched as the rocks of the driveway slowly began to float around him, making lazy circles around his outstretched arms. A smile slowly formed on Curtis's face. Life had just gotten interesting.[/hider]