The sun shined down on the city below, the light reflecting off the tall skyscrapers of the city. They were a symbol of power, a symbol of wealth to both the city and those who owned them. However, in the eyes of one the most influential men in the world, it meant nothing. Why have one tower? Why not build.... an entire compound..... Location: A V A I N D U S T R I E S C O M P O U N D E C H O 1 Walter sat in the back of his armored SUV as they approached the gates. The guards there nodded, and let them through. He was on his way to an important meeting of the city council, a meeting that would determined whether the city would start turning over its districts to AVA Ind. for policing as things grew more... out of hand. He arrived at city hall, guards in tow. Plenty of people wanted his head on their plate, particularly rival PMC corporations and security agencies. AVA Industries's aggressive business tactics had put a lot of them out of the growing business, and plenty wanted to get back at him for it. His security detail covered him to the main building and all they way to the actual meeting room. He entered and took his place at the head of the table. A symbol power, a symbol of the control he has been working towards for the past five years. Yes, he was in control. It was time he used it. "Gentlemen, today marks a historic day for our city, a day where we can, perhaps, toy with the idea of security, of peace." Walter began.