[hider=Navire] I picture Navire as a kingdom with a tiered main city, with the castle on the highest tier, the schools of the wizards and mages, as well as the sanctuary of summoners on the next, and trickling down from there to a massive city that is a work in progress and outward expanding. The architecture would be eclectic because of the varying cultures mingling, and the marketplaces would be lively and full of noise, and different scents and sights. [hider=Something like this] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6ohBLVJ.jpg[/img] [/hider] Outside of the main city would be a myriad of towns being built around farmlands and ramshackle villages of those to poor to afford better housing. [/hider] [h3][color=#6497b1][b]Résumé – Hero for Hire[/b][/color][/h3] [b][color=#6497b1]Name:[/color][/b] Lumenaria “Lume” Aslani [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oqJf9KF.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Job:[/color][/b] [hider=Songstress – Sky Wizard variant] A Songstress from Caelum is one who sings and plays music to weave the elements to her command, and is a variant class of the Sky Wizard. Her weapons are her voice and harp, which is imbued with a portion of magicite. [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Stun:[/color][/b] [hider=Tornadus] Lumenaria twists into the air, singing in an otherworldly language. The gusts from her quick turning meld together with her song. Once she stops, she channels that force into a miniature tornado which causes her opponents to be stunned as they float helplessly within. [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Strike:[/color][/b] [hider=Tempest Rage] Lumenaria begins to dance about in a primal and haunting manner, causing the skies above begin to swirl and darken as lightning and boiling hot rain streak down to assail her foes. This effect persists as long as she dances, and grows more powerful the longer it is sustained. [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Defense:[/color][/b] [hider=Earthen Ward] Lumenaria weaves together an inspiring melody on her harp as she stomps her clawed feet on the earth, causing a small earthquake to thrust up chunks of rock and dirt that deflect attacks and attackers. [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Disable:[/color][/b] [hider=Lightning Discordance] Lumenaria strums quickly on her harp in a haphazard and discordant way. The sky above her grows dark as a bolt of lightning comes down from the sky to jolt her opponent, causing paralyzation. [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Enable:[/color][/b] [hider=Blessing of Sigilyph] Lumenaria sings as she binds the elements together to bolster her allies, as well as to heal minor wounds they may have sustained. Those blessed by her song are given the haste buff. [/hider] [b][color=#6497b1]Skill:[/color][/b] [hider=Providing Sustainance] Lumenaria is capable of using her persuasion over the elements to draw drinkable water from thin air, and her time in Caelum has given her the valuable skill of fishing. As long as there is a body of water nearby, Lumenaria will be able to catch food for herself and others, though they're on their own as for cooking it. [i]Caelestis[/i] eat their fish raw and lightly seasoned with salt. [/hider] [hider=Race – Caelestis] [i]Caelestis[/i] are avian humanoids, with clawed hands and feet, as well as large wings and feathery ears and eyebrows. Their hair is light and ethereal, which floats around their faces and behind them unless weighted down by hair ornaments (often times fish bones or seashells). Their skin tones are grey, brown, white, or gold, and their eyes can be a large variety of hues. Typically they have hair that suits their skin, such as black with grey or white, or blonde with gold, but variations of that have been known to happen. They do not grow their wings for many years after they are born, and it is a painful but exciting process for many young [i]Caelestis[/i] to gain their plummage. Their diet is primarily fish and seaweed which they procure from the [i]Obscurus Sea[/i]. They tend to be slender and toned from their active lifestyles, and they are expert fliers. [/hider] [hider=Kingdom – Caelum] Caelum, a small and neutral city-state is set on a stretch of floating islands that dot the sky above the [i]Obscurus Sea[/i]. The only race to take residence on these islands are the [i]Caelestis[/i], however they do see some visitation from scholarly folk, as well as dedicated explorers. Travelling to this remote city-state is difficult to say the least – the first obstacle many ground dwelling folk have to traverse is the [i]Obscurus Sea[/i] before they can reach the [i]Astral Isle[/i] to seek passage up to the islands above. Caelum is a [i]duelocracy[/i], wherein inhabitants challenge eachother to duels to rise in their social standings, garnering a large portion of the loser's possessions (only the challenged, the challenger will lose only a trifling amount). This city-state's leader, or [i]Regalia[/i], is chosen by challenging the current [i]Regalia[/i] in a duel – which then initiates the [i]Trials[/i]. The two are then presented to [i]Sigilyph[/i] in her temple and undergo the Trial of the Trio – Body, Mind, and Spirit. This right is not limited to [i]Caelestis[/i], and if you pass the [i]Trials[/i] as an outsider you are embraced by [i]Sigilyph[/i] as one of her own. [list] [*][i]There has only been one outsider as Regalia in the history of Caelum (more on it below in the Fluff and Flavor section)[/i] [/list] The current [i]Regalia[/i] is [i]Numen Aslani[/i], ninety-sixth of her blood-name to ascend to [i]Regalia[/i]. She is ambitious and overextending, a trait not many [i]Regalia[/i] have possessed. Traditionally, Caelum has been an isolationist city-state. These days [i]Regalia Numen[/i] sends the best of her Songstresses and Chevaliers out to scour the land and seek opportunities for Caelum to gain allies and become more involved with the world below. Just recently she has sent a handful to Navire to gain favor with the blossoming kingdom. Under her rule Caelum has begun to flourish in trade of fish, as well as unique armor and weaponry made from the bones, scales, and hides of the leviathan-sized creatures living in the [i]Obscurus Sea[/i]. They also excel in making musical instruments from the bones and sinew of such creatures, as well as nets and harpoons. The architecture of Caelum is filled with large pillars and archways that leave the buildings airy and communal, rather than private. Doors are not things made in Caelum as they prefer tapestries for privacy. Generally speaking their homes are decorated with bone and scale designs, and they use downy-feathers for their bedding and seats. The only seat made of wood and stone in Caelum is the [i]Regalia's Throne[/i], a testament to the honor of such a position. Homes are often more vertical than horizontal in regards to size to account for the limited space upon the floating islands that make up the city-state. Open air balconies are a popular feature, and their homes can reach upwards of two hundred feet in height, with the wealthiest and most prestigious [i]Caelestis[/i] living higher up. [hider=Patron Deity – Sigilyph] The Patron for Caelum is [i]Sigilyph[/i], [i]she who weaves the elements in song[/i]. She is seen as a goddess of music and inspiration, as well as an overseer of the basic elements. She is most closely aligned with Air, and takes the form of a massive gryphon when she appears. Her colorations differ in alignment with the [i]Sigillum[/i] (blue for water, red for fire, white for wind, and green for earth), and so does her personality change during each different [i]Sigillum[/i]. [hider=Appearance of Sigilyph] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PKuKTX5.jpg[/img] [/hider] Her temple is set on island floating slightly above the main city of Caelum, overlooking the masses and protecting them with her aura. The Songstresses and Chevaliers are her servants and caretakers, and she is given offerings of music, dance, and giant fish from the [i]Obscurus Sea[/i] below on a daily basis. Her view on those who are not [i]Caelestis[/i] is neutral, bordering on apprehensive, although anyone is welcome in Caelum providing that they do not cause harm. [/hider] [hider=The Trials] [h3][b]Trial of the Body[/b][/h3] A trial by combat is the first [i]Trial[/i], the duelists are pitted against eachother as well as against the elements of nature: earth, water, air, fire, brought into existence by [i]Sigilyph's[/i] ethereal songs. Killing is strictly prohibited, and killing another in this Trial is punishable by Eternus Exsilium, or Eternal Exile. [h3][b]Trial of the Mind[/b][/h3] This [i]Trial[/i] is a battle of intellect, a test given by [i]Sigilyph[/i]. Often times this [i]Trial[/i] is in riddles and puzzles that the duelist must solve, and they are put in situations that they must use cleverness or intellect to solve. A maze has been a frequent [i]Trial of the Mind[/i], however [i]Sigilyph[/i] is everchanging her ways. [h3][b]Trial of the Spirit[/b][/h3] A very different sort of [i]Trial[/i], this one is a measure of character and has little to with training or study as [i]Sigilyph[/i] delves into the duelists' souls, pulling secrets from within them that they may have never knew they had. These secrets are put on display for the citizens of Caelum to judge and weigh, and the verdict of this [i]Trial[/i] is determined by the masses. [/hider] [/hider] [h3][color=#6497b1][b]Flavor and Fluff[/b][/color][/h3] [hider=Age] Lumenaria is in her nineteenth soul-year, born under the [i]Cascada Sigillum[/i], blessed by the sun. She who is born under the [i]Cascada Sigillum[/i] is said to be malleable, capable of great change to overcome obstacles – but also with the persistence to wear through even stone with time so that she may just go directly through those obstacles in her way. She has a forceful personality that may make others avoid her. [i]Cascada[/i] also exudes an enthralling beauty that some may admire from afar, rather than approach those rapids for fear of being swept away. [/hider] [hider=Her departure from Caelum] Lumenaria is the blood-name sister of the current [i]Regalia[/i], Numen Aslani. Speculation abounds why [i]Regalia Numen[/i] decided to ship her younger sister off to Navire and lands unknown, some of it rather unsavory and unpleasant. Some think that Numen feared Lumenaria's growing power as a Songstress, others believe that she trusts Lumenaria explicitly with a dangerous and delicate task. Whatever the rumors may be, Lumenaria has traveled far to reach Navire. [/hider] [hider=Sigillum] In Caelum, every [i]Caelestis[/i] is born under a [i]Sigillum[/i]. These grant them attunements with a particular element over others, and set the path of their personalities toward that element. A person born under the [i]Incendia Sigillum[/i] may be more fiery, hot headed, quick to anger, but also cheerful and exciting to be around – a natural born leader or adventurer, whereas those born under the [i]Aeris Sigillum[/i] tend to be airy, ethereal, charismatic, but sharp and harsh in their rebuttals – a natural born politician or officiary. [h3][color=#6497b1]How do you determine Sigillum?[/color][/h3] They are like a Zodiac, except determined by what week you were born, instead of which month or year. Each week is attuned to a different [i]Sigillum[/i], so many kinds of [i]Caelestis[/i] with different personalities and attunements are born each month, giving this small race a diverse and well rounded population, generation by generation. [i]Sigilyph[/i] herself predetermines what type the [i]Caelestis[/i] need, and then moves each week into the appropriate [i]Sigillum[/i]. [list] [*] There is a Major [i]Sigillum[/i] which is attuned to the week that [i]Sigilyph[/i] picks. Determined by what time of day the child is born, a Minor [i]Sigillum[/i] under the Major is attuned for personality traits. These follow the sun and moon respectively. [*] Sun Minor – They exude the vibrant aspects of the Major, often exaggerating them instead of muting them. [i]Caelestis[/i] that are blessed by the sun are outgoing individuals. [*] Moon Minor – They exude the more mellow aspects of the Major, muting them in favor of elegance. [i]Caelestis[/i] that are blessed by the moon are introverts. [/list] [h3][b]A listing of Major Sigillum[/b][/h3] [color=#296930][b]The Element of Earth[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Terra[/b] (of the Earth) [*][b]Silva[/b] (of the Forest) [*][b]Vallis[/b] (of the Valley) [*][b]Ostes[/b] (of the Earthquake) [/list] [color=#005b96][b]The Element of Water[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Oceanus[/b] (of the Ocean) [*][b]Lacus[/b] (of the Lake) [*][b]Cascada[/b] (of the Waterfall) [*][b]Eluvies[/b] (of the Flood) [/list] [color=#c6cecb][b]The Element of Wind[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Aeris[/b] (of the Air) [*][b]Aura[/b] (of the Breeze) [*][b]Risus[/b] (of the Laughter) [*][b]Tempestas[/b] (of the Storm) [/list] [color=#850f08][b]The Element of Fire[/b][/color] [list] [*][b]Incendia[/b] (of the Fire) [*][b]Solis Ortus [/b](of the Sunrise) [*][b]Vulcanus[/b] (of the Volcano) [*][b]Eruptio[/b] (of the Eruption) [/list] [/hider] [hider=Soul Years & Soul Days] Soul-years determine the age of [i]Caelestis[/i], and they begin to age from the time that their mother successfully lays their egg. A [i]Caelestis's[/i] first soul-day is a celebration of their parents rather than them, but their second soul-day is the time they're officially recognized as an individual and named (the second soul-day is often called the [i]Day of Naming[/i]). It takes a [i]Caelestis[/i] approximately a year to hatch from their egg, and the entire blood-brood helps care for it in that time. [/hider] [hider=Blood Names & Blood Broods] Blood-names are family names that were given long ago in Caelum. A blood-name is carried with you, even if you join a different blood-brood through the Soul Twine. Blood-names are the strongest bond any [i]Caelestis[/i] can have with another of their kind outside of the [i]Soul Twine[/i]. Blood-broods are large clans of [i]Caelestis[/i] who gathered together long ago to work towards specific goals, such as blacksmithing, weaving, farming, etc. These blood-broods are now set in stone, with no new ones occurring in hundreds of years. Those in the brood grow up with each other as siblings. [/hider] [hider=Soul Twine] The [i]Soul Twine[/i] is the Caelum version of marriage, except far more permanent. The two [i]Caelestis[/i] are taken before [i]Sigilyph[/i] and she twines together their souls for eternity, granting them the ability to see into each others hearts and minds. There is no secret to be kept from your mate, no sadness or happiness they cannot understand – they are in perfect harmony. Very few [i]Caelestis[/i] undergo the [i]Soul Twine[/i] because of these facts, and [i]Regalia[/i] are prohibited from doing so (meaning that anyone who has had a [i]Soul Twine[/i] may not become [i]Regalia[/i] unless their mate has died). [/hider] [h3][color=#6497b1][b]Songstress – Chevalier – Other Information[/b][/color][/h3] In Caelum there are two classes of battle that have been taught throughout the generations – the Songstress, who is modeled after [i]Sigilyph's[/i] own prowess, and the Chevalier who is a more physically based warrior. You can be a male and be a Songstress, though the majority are female (this applies to Chevalier as well, the majority of them are male with few females). [hider=Songstress] A Songstress from Caelum is one who sings and plays music to weave the elements to her command, and is a variant class of the Sky Wizard. Her weapons are her voice and harp, which is imbued with a portion of magicite. She is a priestess of [i]Sigilyph[/i], devoted to her Patron's commands and is a highly respected role within Caelum. Many [i]Regalia[/i] have been Songstresses.[/hider] [hider=Chevalier] A Chevalier from Caelum is a warrior who uses a bone harpoon and nets to take down his opponents, and they are typically the hunters for Caelum who go down to the dreadful [i]Obscurus Sea[/i] to battle the leviathan creatures within the waters. Chevalier's equip themselves in scale mail, and are adept at battling underwater and can hold their breath for a substantial amount of time. [/hider] [hider=Other jobs in Caelum] Caelum's artisans work with mostly sea creature products and plant-life growing in the shallow shores of the [i]Astral Isle[/i]. These specializations go alongside more mundane, but necessary, professions. [b]Scale-smith:[/b] A specialization of armor making within Caelum that focuses on using the scales of the sturdiest sea creatures. These suits of armor are tailor fit for [i]Caelestis[/i], allowing their wings free movement. [b]Bone-smith:[/b] A specialization of weapon making within Caelum that uses the bones of various sea creatures to produce different tools of combat. [b]Luthier:[/b] These folk use animal bones and sinew to craft instruments for Songstresses to use. Their instruments produce ethereal, otherworldly sounds that remind many of the ocean. [b]Harvester:[/b] Brave folk who delve into the [i]Obscurus Sea[/i] for seaweed to bring back to Caelum. They are unarmed and unarmored, save for a bone sickle that is useful for harvesting seaweed and linen clothing, as well as their nets to bring the seaweed back to the surface. [/hider] [hider=Obscurus Sea & the Astral Isle] The [i]Obscurus Sea[/i] is a sea that is nearly black in it's coloration and houses extremely dangerous and ferocious sea monsters. Those trying to traverse most be able to repel the attacks of such creatures as krakens, sea wyrms, and leaping sharks. It is said to hold many secrets within it's confines, and in it's center, just below the [i]Caelum Sky Isles[/i], is the [i]Astral Isle[/i]. The [i]Astral Isle[/i] is a volcano that rests below the Caelum Sky Isles, and where some of the Caelum have set up residence to try mining the minerals within the rich soil. It is uncultivated for the most part, save for those miners, and doesn't see a lot of traffic. The rare outsiders who make it to the [i]Astral Isle[/i] are pulled up to the sky islands on the [i]Sky Lift[/i], which is used to transport the carcasses of sea creatures up to Caelum. [/hider] [hider=The Legacy of Sharim] The Legacy of Sharim details the adventures of Sharim, a moogle white mage who made his way to Caelum and became their [i]Regalia[/i] for nearly fifty years, which was unheard of in Caelum history. He was known to have been extremely well loved by the [i]Caelestis[/i], and only became deposed when he passed away from old age. Never before has a [i]Regalia[/i] held the Throne for more than a decade, and there has not been an outsider [i]Regalia[/i] since Sharim. The [i]Caelestis[/i] love to tell their young stories of Sharim to inspire them with a sense of justice and wisdom. Because of Sharim, the [i]Caelestis[/i] feel as if they owe the moogles a great debt, and they will go out of their way to aid moogles. Some [i]Caelestis[/i] have even left Caelum to go honor the moogles in the same way that Sharim honored them to repay the debt they feel they have, and this honoring often means placing themselves as servants to the first moogle they meet, whether that moogle may want them to or not. [/hider]