[hider=True Form] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/d/d6/DarkTemplar_SC2_Cncpt1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080311025950[/img] Tall, wielding a staff that can fire energy from both ends and potentially act as a scythe, he looks anything but human in his true form. [/hider] [hider=Human Form] [img]http://cdn3.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/film-tv/news/article29732277.ece/0a7dd/ALTERNATES/h342/PANews%20BT_f800dff9-1768-4692-9625-45c6a2c2c3cf_I1.jpg[/img] Of roughly average height, he adopts the looks of a younger british man. [/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Thasseldar [b]Gender[/b]: Identifies as Male. [b]Age[/b]: ~600 human years, although time has worked differently depending on the realm. [b]Alignment[/b]: Hero [b]Race[/b]: Realmswalker (From a planet located in another dimension) [b]Personality[/b]: Brooding, with the appearance of being friendly enough, but very quiet when it comes to something just about him. Although he doesn’t attack anyone without proper cause, he doesn’t hesitate against using lethal force when threatened. [b]Powers[/b] -Realmswalker Skillset: Being one who travels across as many as 3 dimensions in a 24 hour period on a busy day, Thasseldar can, in effect, teleport to worlds of his choice, so long as he knows of their existence and has someplace that he can imagine to teleport to. He also has an ability special to him that each Realmswalker has to themselves. -Summoning: He is capable of summoning minions, albeit ones that are guaranteed to be weaker in general than himself, although this particular character uses minions much less often than others of his kind. With this ability is a sub-ability to bring those that wish to willingly go with him, although it is possible for him to force move someone depending on the preparation and willpower of said target. -The Staff: An ancient looking staff that is a sort of futuristic technology blended with the staff that a wizard from LOTR would use. It has two places where it can produce energy scythe blades, is capable of shooting small energy bolts, and helps him channel his power more effectively. -Reflexes: Due to the nature of his species, he has very good reflexes. -Teleportation: He can potentially teleport if he is able to concentrate long enough and visualize where he is going to be. [b]Ability[/b]: He has an almost intimate knowledge of the energy flowing around him, and thus is capable of shooting balls of energy or overloading power circuits, whatever the situation may be. [b]History[/b] The Realmswalker is a species from a dimension/world known as Kallathan, which is homeworld to a diverse set of beings. Realmswalkers are the most adventurous of the lot, being capable of phasing to completely different worlds if need be. A specific order known as the Peacekeepers was formed by an alliance of three powerful Realmswalkers (Thasseldar, Epsilon and Igorossus). Its mission: Fight on the side of good and order wherever it may be, as chaos tends to extend itself without needing any encouragement. ALthough this order is home to a rough dozen Realmswalkers, Epsilon has vanished and Igorossus has fallen to the side of evil. Thasseldar himself is the youngest of the three, although that in part is due to the varied environments that affect how time is distributed - a year in one realm may be 5 or more in another. He was enrolled at an official Academy for Realmswalkers in order to properly hone his powers. He has proven himself level headed and intelligent, which makes up for his tendency to lack in raw power where other beings he has come in contact with have a lot more. His relevance here, however, came during a mission in a dimension not far from our own. Seeing “Calamity” as a threat to the balance of the dimension, he teamed with others to help create a spell that would banish him and his family. The only reason why he is not actively hunted by Calamity is his secrecy - the power he contributed was secret and temporary, and when completed, there was little trace that he had anything to do with it at all. The first sign something went wrong was when he followed up on a report by one of his colleagues that a new “big nasty” as they are so called, had arrived on the current dimension. It didn’t take long to figure that this was Calamity himself. Now, Thasseldar has a new mission: create a band of heros and wipe out Calamity from all dimensions, once and for all. Ambitious, long and difficult describe the goal, but he intends to see it done. While, of course, he multitasks at a separate tavern that he has discovered elsewhere...