[hr][h1][i][color=ec008c]Lupe Ellie Bellasquez[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Maxx][@He Who Walks Behind][/sub][hr] Apply pressure to the wound. Okay. That was something that Lupe heard in the movies, but there must be a reason for that. Diego was completely frozen, and Lupe found it completely understandable. The look in his eyes was just horror. He didn't mean for any of this. Something she should have understood herself right from the get go. Lupe nodded her head at Cassidy. Normally she wouldn't be so willing to follow someone else's orders, but she had to help in any way she could. Cassidy ran out of the room, and Lupe walked over to Titus, and knelt down. The wound that Diego had inflicted on him was just... sickening. Disgusting. A wound on his gut that was burned shut. Lupe had inflicted similar wounds on people before, but never before has she gotten close to see the burnt skin. She positioned her hands above his wounds, before she turned her face away, pressing down on the wound. Applying pressure as Cass asked. She hoped that she got help, or something. If it was done by any other attack, then maybe Lupe would have burned the wound shut. Titus had a healing factor. She remembered him mentioning it from the night before. [color=ec008c][i]Shit.... Don't sue us, Big Man. Our whole family, what's left of it, has had enough.[/i][/color] A group of people crashed through the front doors, and Lupe immediately turned back - the two paramedics weren't what caught her attention. [color=ec008c][i]Wait, where did Diego go?![/i][/color] The thought ran through her head as she looked around for him. Diego definitely was not in the place he was before. The boy disappeared. Gone! Probably scurried off when no one was looking at him. Crap! This makes things worse. Lupe let out a sigh. She got up and stood a few feet away from them - she was getting out of their way. That's all she can do now. She watched as they put Titus on the stretcher and hauled him off. Hopefully they'll help them better than she could. That meant there was little left for her to do, honestly. She was... standing here. So shocked that all of this went down. She placed her hand on the side of her head, and began lightly shaking it. She had to talk to someone. Lupe saw that Cassidy was still here, and walked over to her. In that same position. [color=ec008c]"I...."[/color] She forced out the words, but closed her mouth. [color=ec008c]"Shit's fucked up."[/color] She said, shrugging. [color=ec008c]"I honestly have no idea what happened there.... No one did." [i]Not even Diego.[/i][/color] She thought outside. [color=ec008c]"I just hope Titus and Diego will be alright - As for where Diego went, I don't know. I think it's best if I don't find out."[/color] Lupe closed her eyes, and shrugged again. [color=ec008c]"It's best if I let him come out and talk about it himself."[/color] [hr][h1][i][color=007236]Michelle Gallus[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@TaliPaendrag][/sub][hr] Silent during Beth's little lightshow, Michelle took a step back and put her hands onto her hips. She heard the light crackling of electricity and great detail, and contorted her face into a frown. Michelle watched as the doors pushed themselves over - and her nose was filled with such a strange odor that she nearly covered her nose. The sound of the doors hitting the ground reflexively made Michelle close her ears - and for good reason, it was so loud that it was probably heard for [i]miles[/i]. Shit, shit, shit. Not good. Not only did Beth broadcast their position (To the whole [i]school[/i] perhaps), but now whatever is nearby knows full and well that they're here - they kicked down the doors. Even a [i]deaf[/i] man could feel the shockwave. Michelle hung her head and let out a sigh. [color=007236][i]Look like we're gonna have a little bit more fun... Hehe...[/i][/color] Michelle thought to herself as she raised her head with a devilish smirk on her face. When the echo faded away, all that could be heard was Michelle's rather sinister laughing. [color=007236]"God, you're as subtle as I am, Beth!"[/color] She said in between bouts of laughter. She stopped laughing, and started walking forward. [color=007236]"I'm sure the others would take that as... us finding something."[/color] With that, Michelle confidently stepped into the ruins... Feeling excited. Very excited. Not for the reasons Beth were, but she was excited at the prospect of having something to fight. She was just itching for that rematch. Getting revenge for what the first monster did. She stopped, and looked around. The ruins... They looked very familiar to her. Not in the way that she's been here before, but they looked similar to a school. A university. Yeah, that was it. There was a collection of buildings nearby, in varying states of disrepair. One building was large, and looked something like Michelle's old school. Covered in vines and moss. In fact, Michelle was walking up to a large fountain in the center of it all. Her senses told her that there was not a single person nearby other than Beth... Though, she looked up towards the top of the wall, and spotted Fiona and Astrid. [color=007236][i]Wonder if they'll get down on their own.[/i][/color] Though, there was something else on her mind. [color=007236]"... This place is very interestin', don't cha think?"[/color] She started off, she had a train of thought she was going down here. [color=007236]"Like... don't this place look like a... a... school? Yeah, a school."[/color] She pointed at a building with a collapsed entrance that looked like the dorms (Going off the bed springs in the pile). [color=007236]"Don't that look like some dorms?"[/color] Then she pointed at another building, that was much more in tact and seemed to be official looking. [color=007236]"And doesn't [i]that[/i] look like a main building, or something?"[/color] These Ruins seem to be very fishy right off the bad. [hr][h1][i][color=8dc73f]Fiona Barrett[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Wintergrey][/sub][hr] Fiona was honestly a bit surprised when Astrid approached her so casually, and offered to teleport her. Normally people are put off by her appearance, and wouldn't even [i]think[/i] of touching her. Maybe that provides a bit more insight into Astrid than she thought. She nodded her head and cheerfully said, [color=8dc73f]"Ready when you are."[/color] It was a bit of a surprise when Astrid teleported the two of them to the top of the wall. To Astrid, it was trivial, but to Fiona... Well, she was thrown off balance a little bit. Because it was just a sudden snap from one location, to another. She quickly swung her arms back and forth in order to regain her balance. Which she did eventually regain. [color=8dc73f]"It's okay, I'm fine now."[/color] She said with a smile. She clicked her mandibles together as she looked around. She was supposed to be finding a way in. Fiona's compound eyes scanned the Ruins... Which looked suspiciously like a school. Was this place, like, an original version of the 218? Oh, that just made her more curious! ... Then the sounds of the walls hitting the ground created such a loud sound that it filled her poor hearing organs for seconds! It was very painful. She instinctively covered her knees, and knelt down a bit. [color=8dc73f]"Ow... Ow, ow, ow..."[/color] Fiona moaned in pain. The pain would be over soon. Just what did they do? Fiona looked down, and saw Michelle and Beth walking towards the fountain. Looks like they found their way in. Which means all the two of them had to do was get down. Fiona stood straight up, and looked at Astrid. [color=8dc73f]"Looks like they're in, all we need to do is get down there."[/color] Fiona looked down from the walls, and she was pretty intimidated. Her exoskeleton could take a bit of damage, but this fall would utterly shatter it - along with Astrid if she's carrying her. So, it was either up to Astrid's teleportation (The girl would probably get exhausted at this rate), or... Fiona could get them down. She had a way. She just didn't know if Astrid would like it. Fiona scratched the back of her neck as she looked at Astrid. [color=8dc73f]"How do you want to get down?"[/color] She asked. [color=8dc73f]"You [i]could[/i] teleport us down, orrrrr I could get us down with a little trick of mine."[/color]