Sen took Edge's hand and gave it quick shake, shooting him a grin. "Yeah, I know what you mean, it's a little intimidating," she said, dropping his hand to gesture at the ornate buildings. "This is definitely the fanciest campus I've ever set foot on," the green eyed girl added with a huff as they finally entered the auditorium. The crowd was even worse inside, the sound of everyone's chattering reverberating off the walls and magnifying the volume to a toe curling level. Plus, it was insanely hot. Did this school spend so much money on that ridiculous gate that they couldn't afford to turn the air conditioner on? Sen gave a grimace before scanning room and spotting some empty chairs a few rows from the back. "Wanna sit together?" she asked, turning toward Edge and quirking an eyebrow. "I'd hate to get stuck by one of these people who smell like they haven't brushed their teeth in five years" [@Apollosarcher]