[quote=@Forsythe] other children either did not want to have anything to do with a half-faunus, or were afraid of her. [/quote] Point of curiosity, is there actually such thing as a half-faunus? Faunus are already basically half breeds comprising human and animal traits so if you have a faunus and human parent I sort of thought you either have the animal traits or you don't. Does anyone else have any thoughts on the subject? Also interesting point, if you're on an internet connection that requires one of those web page log ins and you try to quote someone before accepting the terms of the connection this is what happens: [quote=@Forsythe] Web Authentication Redirect [/quote] [quote=@Lucius Cypher] Hmm... I'll have Gren keep Sapphire distracted. Wouldn't want her to be a killjoy and tell all these young men "Don't bother". [/quote] Am I really that predictable with her actions?