Time for criticism of your sheet, [@Feisty-pants]. Your character is ridiculously overpowered. It takes a lifetime to master a single lightsaber form. Nobody, no matter how prodigious, masters three in a fifth of that time. We ran a quick Mary Sue test on your character, and it failed. Miserably. 105 points, to be precise. That is more than twice what you need to be in the extremely high chance range. Your “flaws” only make your character work better, not weakening it. When something is normal for Jedi, then it is not a flaw for a Jedi. The one thing that might have been almost a flaw, you reversed to an advantage. You do know that flaws detract from a character’s function, not add to it, right? As mentioned above. Even mastery of a single lightsaber form at the young age of 23 is beyond improbable. Mastery of three forms doesn’t happen. Your other skills have no explanation for how she gained them beyond them being extremely convenient to have. Telepathy is highly unreliable in star wars. Its not used to read minds. For most, it can send vague concepts, a few can send words. Most humans become padawans around the age of twelve to fourteen, or in wartime or if they’ve been raised from infancy as Jedi it might be a few years earlier. Becoming one at the age of seven isn’t “at last”. It is very, very early. Initiate training takes much more than four years. You give no details about how she’s of any use in anything other than combat. Nothing to explain other skills. Not even a prodigy can easily defeat someone with many years of experience in actual combat. Sith who aren’t mere apprentices (which is the great majority) are extremely powerful. If they’re not masters of combat, they are highly skilled with the Force. For someone to rise to the rank of Sith Lord, they will have fought their way up for decades, been on the watch against their peers the whole time. Even Jedi masters can be in trouble when faced with a trained Sith Lord who has mastered either combat or especially the Force. Again, rising to the rank of Jedi master takes decades, not just a few years. The final secret has no reasoning or logic behind it. The citizens of the Empire are raised to hate the republic and all it stands for. The Sith even more so. One of them would hardly abandon that cause when they are finally getting their revenge, let alone for a life in poverty. To sum it all up: Your character has no flaws of note, has skills for someone ten times her age, has no depth to speak of and is lacking in logic.