"So tell me about yourself, what's your life like?" Edge asks as Sen slides into the seat next to him. The shorter teen opens her mouth to respond but stops herself when the Hi-Summoner starts his speech and gets his bird summon to shoot lightening out of his mouth. Sen beams. "I can't wait to have one of my own," she whispers to red eyed teen right as the speech is ending. "I'll walk you to your dorm if you like. You can answer my question along the way," Edge offers as the lights come up and people start moving toward the exit. "Sure," the green eyed girl says, but stops when she feels someone poke her shoulder. "Is that your natural hair color?" A short redhead asks and Sen recognizes her from earlier in the day. "I wish," Sen answered honestly, turning to address the other girl. "It'd be much less hassle." She then turns to Edge an asks, "Isn't this one of the girls you fell on earlier?" [@Apollosarcher] [@Ruby Etra]