Mercutio was kind of comic relief? If anyone's a stand up comedian, it's likely him. Except no one understands his jokes. "I don't know what you're talking about? Fairies? Is that supposed to be a gay joke? Regardless, I take offense." In which Benvolio starts a chain of throwing tomatoes. Everyone's doing it, so might as well join in, right? "Can't go wrong with a name like Bottom. The real irony is that he actually did have talent but with an ass for a head, no one really gave a crap. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth; it might turn out to be a jackass. I call that joke ironic coincidence cause who can tell the difference? Especially if you're prone to lamp shading everything you say!" How many characters are we allowed to play because I do have the sudden urge to pick up Puck. Er. Aah.