As the commotion unfolded and several contestants rushed off in pursuit of the villains, Jinshi ran to James' side as security was sitting him up. Jinshi watched security carry the charismatic announcer off before shifting his gaze to the chaotic crowd fleeing the ring. Children were crying and adults were panicked and scared, the scene made Jinshi angry. Quickly Jinshi scaled an arena wall, revealing a large open area of hardened rock and earth with patches of grass here and there. In the distance a cloud trail indicated something was in fast pursuit of the criminals, while other figures dotted the horizon making their way to the criminals as well. He didn't think he'd be of much use but maybe he could do [i]something[/i] Jinshi thought to himself as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a number 9 capsule that looked old and damaged. "I was hoping to get you fixed up with that money before I used you again..." Jinshi muttered to himself. Pushing the trigger Jinshi threw the capsule forward as it exploded into a puff of white smoke that cleared and revealed a motorcycle. [hider=Capsule 9 Motorcycle][img][/img][/hider] The vehicle was pretty damaged and didn't look all that safe, but without hesitation Jinshi hopped on and kicked the motorcycle into gear, blazing off with a trail of dust being left in his wake.