It was a sight to behold, after letting loose a terrible pun, the girl walked into a wall. Her glasses were busted, but besides that she seemed to be fine. As for the guy, it didn't seem as if he wanted to move. This was to be expected though, most of his types didn't like being told what to do. [color=00aeef]"You know, I was being nice. I could always have made you move, but I wouldn't want to start a scene on the first day."[/color] Blanc gave his response then sat down next to the group. Some would say it was a bit excessive threatening the boy, but it wasn't a threat, it was merely a statement. [color=00aeef]"So, Edgy was it? Were you the one I saw lay into the thug earlier? Nice work, since you came along I didn't have to get my hands bloody. I do have to say though, your way of taking him down was rather, "unorthodox". Also, you don't seem like most of the preppy kids here on their parents hard-earned money. What brings you to this school. You don't really fit the image of a student at Ason High."[/color] Blanc fired out several questions directed towards the boy. He had piqued his interest, most people would have just moved out the way, but not him. On the ground lay the pieces of the girls shattered glasses, she was an awkward one. It was almost as if this was her first time interacting with others her age, like a baby bird leaving the nest for the very first time. It was cringe worthy to say the least.