Tacticus felt his back and head fringes hit the inner wall of the shuttle. He let out a gasp and threw his hand behind his head to rub his back. For a moment he was dazed but he quickly heard laughing coming from various places in the hull of the shuttle. There were 8 Turians around him and across from him all in various degrees of laughter. Including the delegate they were supposed to protect. Seven of the Turians were in blue on black schemed suits of armor and the one that wasn't was wearing formal ware it was blue on a majority of white, this was the diplomat. The rest of the Turians dressed like Cactus, his Cabal. Well, they were more like Big brothers and sisters than teammates. Being the last guy to join the team even if it was one year ago, made him the rookie and little brother. Which led Tacticus to believe they were the colprets behind his sudden awakening, that and the laughing. "You are all assholes." Tacticus said suppressing a smile. Through half a laugh one of the Turian females named Sura quickly responded through her own laughter. "Sorry about that Cactus, had to wake you up somehow! We're almost to the "station"." This lead him to believe she had pushed him into the wall with her telekinetic biotics. She always loved using that and keeping a "Final solution" grenade on her to mess with him. Rubbing the back of his head Tacticus began straining to remember the dream he was having before he was so rudely awaken. It was especially strange given that he saw his grandmother there. But the other things that didn't make sense like the "breach" and the human.......the human. Why was there a human in his dream? Then the inevitable moment when the previous nights dreams began to slip away back into the darkness from which they originated came. He started losing pieces here and there the more he thought about it until it was all but gone. But he managed to hold on to one thing, the human's face. He was atleast pretty sure he had never seen that face before so it puzzled him. The laughing began subsiding as the pilot said over the intercom that they were only about a minute out. "Alright everyone remember the core four will stay near our diplomat friend here and everyone else is to fan out and keep an eye on the whole affair. Keep your earpieces in just in case we need to switch out guards. Any questions?" Sura said quite sternly compared to her previous laughter. "Yeah, what if Cactus goes to sleep again?" One of the other Turains at the back of the shuttle said. This garnered another set of laughter albeit more stifled this time. The shuttle slid up to the station without much fan fair. When the door popped out with a hiss and slid off to the side the Turians adopted a four man in front four man in back with the diplomat in the middle as they exited the shuttle. Tacticus ended up at the back of the formation as they began to navigate the hallways of the once freighter. The group then began breaking off into various hallways as it moved towards the room most of the delegates were already in. The idea was that no one would know exactly how many cablists were on the station for a variety of reasons and only one of which was tactical. When it was his turn he was the last to leave as the core team consisted of the team's veterans. He ducked off into a hallway just before the main room was visible. As he walked down the rather spacious corridors that was probably used to move cargo through at some point he realized that he was actually for the most part on his own for once. It had been years since he had been this alone. The suddenness of this was not lost on him as he became crippled by the fear of freedom. Everything he did day in day out was planned for the most part to the T. The only place he had any real choices had been in tactical exercises and even there one choice was usually preferred out of the infinite other possibilities. His earpiece suddenly came to life for the first time since they did comms check back on the shuttle earlier. "Alright everyone, keep a reasonable distance from the main room our diplomat is in and pray to the spirit we don't have to do anything. Have fun kids." Tactius could almost feel the sarcasm hitting him in the head like a rifle butt in that last sentence. It was at that moment that he realized he really had to take a leak. Instilled with a sense of purpose Tacticus filled himself with determination to find a restroom.