[hider=Jakali Harcor] [b]Name:[/b] Jakali Harcor [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Faction:[/b] Sith Empire [b]Rank:[/b] Sith. Not [i]yet[/i] a Lord. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/baldursgate.vanillaforums.com/FileUpload/b0/23e560a3b05c4f3b1343f8bc1a767a.png[/img] Jakali stands six feet even, his frame strong and muscular from many hours spent training. He has dark brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes and a noticeable scar running down from his hairline to his eye. He wears the typical Sith clothing, a long black robe over a tunic and trousers. His most noticeable feature other than the scar on his face is [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/b0aaa18aed35d725f71af50c0e1ca802/tumblr_njifkdNmdp1si96eio6_1280.jpg]his robotic arm[/url] which serves as his left arm after the previous one was 'removed'. The arm itself is not as advanced as it should be, while it works as a replacement arm, it doesn't help him that much in combat or with using the Force. It provides no bonuses in strength or speed and is very noticeable. [url=http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv17/TresteKorih/Lightsaber%20hilts/Lightsaber8.jpg]His lightsaber.[/url] [b]Notable Race Traits:[/b] N/A. [b]Flaws:[/b] - Obviously the robotic arm, its usable but still hampers his ability to use the Force with the arm, he is completely unable to and must use his other hand. - Jakali is extremly arrogant in his own abilities. He considers himself as the greatest Sith to ever walk the galaxy, though in his speech he tends to avoid saying this out loud, it's just something he has convinced himself and another thing he will gloat over a beaten opponent about. - He only truly cares about himself, while he acts like he cares about others, he does not. If he had to choose between one person or himself, he'd choose himself every time. If he had to save fifty children from a fire in expense of his own life then he wouldn't do save them. - He is completely driven by his own goals and has no qualms with killing or hurting others in order to achieve them. - Jakali is also down right terrible with a blaster. He's better off throwing it at his target rather than trying to use it. [b]Skills:[/b] - He knows the Lightsaber forms: Form I: Shii-Cho, Form IV: Ataru and Form V: Shien. He is by far most skilled in Form IV, having put most of his focus in that form. He is very skilled in the form, above the others he knows. - Jakali is very talented at twisting people and convincing them to listen to him. He has a way with words and isn't afraid to use other methods along this line, whether that be threats or even seduction. - He's capable of piloting a ship, nothing spectacular but he can fly one. [b]Force capabilities:[/b] - The basic Sith force abilities - Force Lightning - Force Scream - Crucitorn [b]Biography:[/b] Jakali was born on the Sith planet of Dromund Kaas, in the capital city, Kaas City. His parents were both very wealthy and he was their only child. He was pampered in his youth right up until the age of seven when he was discovered to be Force sensitive and then was sent off to the Sith academy. He excelled in training and showed great aptitude in lightsaber combat and the Force. His talent drew the attention of two jealous Sith in the academy and one night they tried to gang up on him, with the intention of either seriously hurting or even killing him. Fortunately for Jakali he was quick enough to counter the ambush and strike back at both the fools, badly injuring both and sending them out of the academy as a result. He was then selected as an apprentice by his new Sith master, Val Harand. He again showed potential under his master, but occasionally made mistakes which would lead to the day he lost his arm at seventeen years old. After failing a task his master challenged him to a duel, with no other choice Jakali agreed, a tingle of fear in him as his master ignited his blade and motioned for his apprentice to attack. Jakali gave it his all yet held back as he did not want to hurt his master, the man he was attacking and had no qualms. Slicing Jakali's weapon in half, then kicking his apprentice to the ground and removing the boy's left arm at the shoulder. Jakali screaming in shock the entire time. A mechanical arm was grafted onto him but it was not the same as an actual arm. It had five fingers and the full range of motions yet felt completely unnatural, as well as extremely noticeable. The roboticness of it prevented him from casting Force lightning from the hand, and in general hampered his ability with the Force. So he focused on combat from that point. His apprenticeship under Val Harand came to a premature end several months after that. Master Harand had been planning to kill another Sith, having harbored the grudge again the man for a previous incident. However, the man's own apprentice found out and promptly poisoned Val Harand. Jakali found out a short time later and was incredibly angry, he wanted to be the one to kill his cruel master, strike the man down for all the pain he caused upon him. He found out who poisoned Master Harand and has held a grudge against them ever since. After his apprenticeship unexpectedly ended, Jakali served the Empire loyally, he carved out a niche as a fierce warrior but also as an intelligent, charismatic man that put the mission ahead of everything else. He of course has managed to hide his true intentions, and was selected as one of the Sith for the mission to Coruscant. [b]Personality and/or Motivation:[/b] Jakali puts on the face of a charming, funny, sometimes flirty man, someone that will try to be your friend and get you to trust him. Behind this lies his true motives which are putting himself on top. He is a fierce fighter that enjoys combat, only when he is winning of course. He enjoys being on top and hates failure more than anything else. He also despises the Jedi for fearing the Force, blinding themselves to the true power of something they are lucky enough to be able to access. Jakali also hates their unnatural hiding of emotions, something that is central to life. [b]Player’s long term goals:[/b] While he hasn't fully planned out anything for the far future, he does want to fully scale the Sith ranks and then he wants to change things, run the galaxy his way, bring forth his own idea of peace that no one before has ever come close to. As of right now he is focused on pleasing Darth Nyiss and becoming a Lord, that would be a huge step forward for him. [b]Relations:[/b] Sish - He has worked alongside the Trandoshan before and admires the reptilian's prowess in combat. Jakali thinks that he could possibly manipulate Sish in the future, get the reptile on his side as he could be a very powerful ally in that instance. Jewel Namore - He has not had much interaction with her, but has heard things about her that interest him. She is a fierce lightsaber combatant, like himself and she is a Sith Lord. Maybe someone that he could try to gain the favor of. Darth Nyiss - He has not really spoken to her, but is very interested in her, how mysterious she is and how powerful she is. He wants to gain her favor, make himself stand out to her more than any of the other Sith. She may be the key to his long term goals. Zanna - He hates the her, they have a bad history which he still despises her for, having come in conflict before. Jakali does not trust her one bit, if he had the opportunity to confront and strike her down hen he would take it. [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] PM'd the GMs. [/hider]