[hider=Dean Nakamora] Name: Dean Nakamora Codename: Sūn Rising City of Operation: Detroit, Michigan [hider=Appearance:][img]http://stylesweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Blonde-Korean-Hair-style-for-Guys.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 22 Gender: Male Superpowers: None that he currently knows of. Skills/ Talents: Dean is proficient in swordplay by way of years of kendo practice. His first language is Japanese, his second language is Chinese, and third is English which he only knows the basics of. He’s a good driver, knows how to pick locks, and has experience with small firearms. Equipment: First and foremost, Dean always carries his prized katana at his hip, and his right hand seems to naturally rest at the hilt. He has one 9mm sub-machinegun strapped to his back, and a .357 magnum revolver kept at the opposite of his sword. The belt that his sword and pistol would be attached to has pouches that line the back, containing ammo, smoke bombs, caltrops, tripwire, and a small lockpicking set. He drives a 1998 Honda Civic. He wears a set of light [hider=riot gear][img]https://a248.e.akamai.net/content.hydra.agoragames.com/20/4/7/2/12561/126189308854906177[/img][/hider] that he received with his time in TAG. Weaknesses: Dean has great sentimental value in his sword. He’ll never leave without it, and if somebody takes it from him, he’ll go ballistic. Advanced English flies over his head. He’s also allergic to peanuts. Psyche: Dean has no trust in humanity. At their base, he sees them as animalistic beings out to fill their basest desires. The world is chaotic, due to the fact that people will do bad things to make themselves happy. Nowadays trust doesn’t mean much to Dean, but he’d be able to get along with somebody with a similar mindset. Ultimately, Dean is prepared to murder any that he deems necessary, all in hope to spread the words of his fallen teacher, Hitam. His flamboyant attitude make him come off as psychotic, but he actually is. Even with his warped sense or reality, he still holds some sense of honor that was instilled as a child, and treats battles with rivals as glamourous. History: Dean’s life changed completely when he walked in on a drunken man kicking the corpses of his parents in his Yokohama home. The schooling, the family dinners, the afternoon hangouts with friends… none of that mattered anymore. The only thing left was what the boy had been doing for the past three hours, kendo. It was easy, almost instinctual. The thick bamboo sword cracked down on the invaders head, the long blow knocking him to the floor. Dean would spend the next ten minutes releasing his rage until the man’s head was a bloody pulp. Disoriented and desperate, Nakamora could only move to another room and huddle in the corner for hours on end, his young mind trying to perceive the events that had transpired. By the time he returned to check the body, the sun’s light could be seen on the horizon. The new light gave way to the assailants skin, showing intricate tattoos that practically flowed up his arms. Further investigation proved to make things far worse; this man was yakuza. Dean grabbed the family sword and ran for his life, fleeing to the only place he could think of, Detroit. This was the city his mother had once called home, and surely she had family that could take him in. But her Chinese immigrant parents had died many years before, and so Dean was alone in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. The next few years of Dean’s life would be that of a delinquent. Dean was able to find himself a small apartment where he could lay low, but as time went on the money followed. Jobs were scarce and eventually the young man had to resort to more criminal measures in order to pay the bills. He started with moving minor drugs but eventually worked his way up to stealing cars for chop shops, partaking in convenience store robberies, and even murdering other criminals who accumulated bounties on their heads. He held little joy for these acts because most of them involved working with people like the one who killed his parents. The White Rain would come and go, but Detroit’s state only grew worse. With the advent of the Caught, there needed to be change. Enter TAG, a paramilitary group led by an eccentric South American man named Bunglon Hitam, intent on wiping out all crime in Detroit by slaughtering its criminals. TAG’s campaign reached a panicle when they warred with one of the largest street gangs in the city inside a skyscraper. At the time, Dean was hunting the bounty of this gang’s leader, Acena Gorm. He was unable to kill Acena, but saved Hitam from the woman, and thus joined his militia as Hitam’s pupil. Dean’s impressionable mind would be molded by Hitam as he imposed his elitist views on the boy, and as time passed TAG went from a legitimate hope for the city to a fascist regime. The gangs weren’t the only people in danger anymore, Hitam was ordering his squads to kill anyone who didn’t swear allegiance to him. Acena would reply by forming a squad of her own that included the Caught vigilante Jason “Noir”. The ensuing war climaxed with the death of Hitam, the dissolution of TAG, and Dean on the run from the police. He would be apprehended in Cleveland, and thus was sentenced to Northeast Ohio Penitentiary. [/hider] [hider=Veronica Hawke] Name: Veronica Hawke Codename: Alciel City of Operation: Cleveland, Ohio Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img]http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/mrt.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/3/5e/35e97816-d13f-5576-8b57-5f278964ec0b/4c76aa99612f9.image.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 15 Gender: Female Superpowers: As a child, Veronica’s soul was fused with that of a demon, making them one and the same. Although she inherited his powers, he inherited her mortal form. While she has an increased lifespan by an extra 50 years, Alciel will remain in the mortal plain until Satan pulls her back to hell at death. Being the supernatural entity that a demon is, Alciel can perceive and capture the souls of the recently deceased before they ascend to heaven to be judged. With these souls Veronica can then use magical incantations to bring forth their latent power. Videre Intra- This incantation allows Veronica to see the memories of the person that the soul previously resided in. Sanationem Anima- This incantation can be used to make the soul edible, for healing purposes. It’s also quite filling, proving at most a days’ worth of nutrients. Anima Industria- This incantation can be used to transmute the soul into raw energy that can be used as fuel to power devices, or be thrown as a plasma-like projectile. Skills/ Talents: Veronica has an advanced intellect for a girl of her age. She’s studied various sciences and mathematics in her free time, and has worked on and coded computers. She’s also an amateur mechanic, learning everything she knew from the Auto Shop classes in High-School. Equipment: Messenger Bag- A leather messenger bag that Veronica uses to store her equipment. Contains various notebooks, both educational texts and blank journals. Cellphone- A shiny new smartphone, complete with all the latest apps! Pocket Knife- A knife that Veronica’s father gave her for protection. Incantation Index- A notebook that Veronica keeps all her known incantations. Soul of Sparky- The soul of the family dog, Sparky, sealed in a plastic baggie. Veronica keeps this on her person with the intent of resurrecting her furry friend. Weaknesses: Veronica is a teenage girl with an average teenage girl physique, so she’s not very strong. Her being underage limits the things she can do and places she can go. She is considered a demonic entity, and thus is prone to holy rituals. Psyche: Veronica is split between her everyday suburban lifestyle and the newfound roots she has with demons. The idea that she used to be a power-hungry hell spawn frightens her, but deep down the girl feels a deep kinship and closeness to her fellow demon brothers and sisters. There’s also the inkling in the back of her head that she may just be insane. She has a strong thirst for knowledge that has caused her to study various subjects, but this trait became a curse once the concept of souls and soul energy became known. The outright dark nature of this field is chilling, but the unknown prospects of what it could accomplish outweigh the negatives in her mind. On a more normal note, Veronica contains all the insecurities and maturity of a high school teenager. Her personality and hobbies make her more of a “geek” in the overall scheme of things, and thus fills a lower tier in the popularity hierarchy. She’s a tad more timid and reserved than the average person, but considers herself far from introverted as she enjoys plenty of time with friends. History: Alciel was a demon of lies and trickery. While he had all the makings of a force of evil, his overall ignorance and laziness became his downfall. Other demonic entities committed atrocities while Alciel did little but demolish a few medieval villages in his time, his failure sending the man into a state of depression. In a last ditch effort to do something greatly evil, Alciel attempted to possess the body of a world leader to launch nukes on the world… only he missed his mark. Instead Alciel entered the body of a newborn baby, and the ensuing fusion of their souls reverted his mind to an infantile state, inducing a form of amnesia. They then grew up as Veronica Hawke, a middle class suburban girl raised in a family of four complete with the stereotypical golden retriever and white picket fence. Everything was completely average about her upbringing, but things started to change once she started to notice people that not everyone could see. And then the dreams started, terrible nightmares that involved fire and brimstone. Intending to work past these quirks using her near genius mind, Veronica became an astute academic. However, she could no longer ignore the hauntings once a demonic entity visited her in her dreams, reveling her past life and the abilities she possessed. Now in high school, Veronica experiments with souls and intends to write texts on her experimentation, intending to advance humanity with their power, but her innate evil nature may will her to use them for more nefarious means. [/hider]