[Hider=Mythica] [center] Name: Alastair Krim Codename:Mythica City of Operation: Cleveland Appearance: Alastair is thinly built, tall and lithe at 6'2 and weighing in just under about 70 kilos. He has narrow features and a pale complexion. Two bright green eyes stare out from a mop of obviously dyed dark red hair. Alistair's dress sense is normally stylish if not opulent. He adorns himself in finely tailored suits, only ever changing the undershirt and tie depending on his mood when he wakes. His fingers are adorned with multiple rings, resplendent in different colours. His right hand rings are gold with insets of Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, Emerald and Diamond. His left hand rings are silver with insets of Tourmaline, Amethyst, Opal, Heliotrope and Blue Garnet. Each ring depicts a different mythical animal etched into the center of the gemstone. Age: 23 Gender: Male Superpowers: Alistair's ability as a Caught lies within his rings. He is able to create rings which imbue the wearer with specific powers dependant on the metal used and the gemstone inlay. The rings must be set aside to recharge their inherent energy. Gold/Ruby: The Dragon - Enables the user to spew gouts of flame from their hand. Gold/Sapphire: The Kraken - The user can manipulate water into long lashing tentacles Gold/Onyx: The Golem - Creates earthen armour around the user. Gold/Emerald: The Dryad - Enables the user to manipulate plant life to a degree. Gold/Diamond: The ArchAngel - Enables the user to summon up a divine sword. Silver/Tourmaline: The Phoenix - enables short bursts of flight. Silver/Amethyst: The Ghost - Enables short periods of intangibility. Silver/Opal: The Hydra - allows the user to create independent clones, each clone taxing more power than the last. Silver/Heliotrope: The Vampire - The Ring feasts on the blood of the user to give periods of extreme speed and strength. Silver/Blue Garnet: The Mermaid - Enables short lived emotional manipulation. Skills/ Talents: Alistair is a skilled jeweller, silver and goldsmith; skills he learnt from his father as he was to inherit the business the man had created. Alistair also isn't too bad a cook Equipment: His ten Rings. Weaknesses: Alistair is human, he has nothing to defend himself other than his Rings. His rings do use an internal "magic" that needs to be recharged after extended use. All rings are one offs. If one gets destroyed it is lost forever. It takes Alistair a full day of work to create a new Ring. Psyche: Alistair originally created the rings he wears for a purely greedy reason. He wanted to create a war. A war where he was the sole profiteer of the escalating arms race he had created with his Powered Rings. When instead the people that had bought the rings began to use them to be superheroes....Alistair grew incensed. He created his own set of ten and began to destroy his creations, vowing only for them to be for his own use. Alistair is greedy, morally ambiguous and doesn't care for collateral damage. He is an amoral being purely out for profit. History: Alastair Krim was born to two jewelers, two savants of their craft. His father was a gold and silversmith while his mother was a jewel cutter. Together they created beautiful pieces of art that were jealously guarded and bought by the people of Cleveland. Alastair learnt the trade at an early age, his early teens filled with regular schooling and his family's trade. It was an interesting childhood to say the least. As he reached 20, his father and mother decided to pass on the business to Alistair and go holidaying for a few years, living off the interest of their bank account. Alistar continued the business till the Rain came. The Rain changed Alistair, his latent emotions crushed underneath an overwhelming need for conflict and control. The need possessed him to create his rings in new forms, imbuing them with power of The Rain. His rings found their way into circulation in Cleveland. People used them to fight off the newly powered villains that had developed due to the rain. This was not what Alistair had planned. Taking up a masked persona of Mythica, Alistair created his ten rings. A new powered villain intent on creating war and providing the way to solve the war he created. [/center] [/Hider]