[@Zetsuko] [color=fff200]"I cannot waste time explaining brother..."[/color] Edge said in a soft and cautious tone, looking from the alleyways dark behind him to the entrance of which Jari was guarding. [color=fff200]"But know this - I am here for a purpose greater than ourselves. I may need your help, when the time come"[/color] As a guard turned to look back at Jari, Edge ducked back into the shadows. "[color=fff200]Go, go. Before you start to look suspicious. But remember, were on the same side."[/color] With this Edge disappeared in a cloud of darkness, climbing back up the rope to the tower. [i][color=00aeef]High ground is always an advantage - except when your dealing with dragons - then you want to be as far underground as you can be.[/color][/i]