Penelope shook her head and let out an annoyed sigh. Seeing as the guards were done talking with them, she began to try and figure out how exactly they would be getting out of this place. As she looked around, she quickly spotted two figured approaching them. One was the man from before and at his side was a woman with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes... Penelope's gaze narrowed at the woman. It was the same person who had attacked her and Crow in the past. "It's you again..." she muttered eying the woman as she walked up. The blonde looked at them, seeming rather satisfied. "Of course... Did you think you could just knock me over the head and get away with it?" her voice was rather cold as she sent a glare Crow's way. "I'm assuming we're not just here because a pety thief knocked you out cold? If we are, I think you mighthave some anger issues." Penelope grumbled. The woman snorted and rolled her eyes. "No fool. You're here because we learned about this little mission that you four misfits are going on.... Trying to prevent a war by stealing the staff of the rival king... How heroic." she said the words bitterly. The knights seemed taken by surprise as she revealed that she already knew about why they were here. William clenched his hands into fists, clearly aggitated. "If you already know then why are we still here?" he growled. "Besides that, why are you trying to stop us? You're nobles from this kingdom aren't you? We're trying to prevent a war!" Penelope added. "It's simple. We want a war." she said with a cold smile. "More specifically we want to over throw the king. Of course, that's quite a difficult task considering that he has a whole army at his disposal. But if he also had a war going on at the same time... Well then, we have a higher chance of sucess wouldn't you agree?" The woman seemed pleased with her own planning. "As for why you're here, well, we could get quite a bit from using you knights. From telling us the weak points of the castle to battle strategies to using you to get further funding from your family. The possibilities are many... As for you thief," she turned towards Crow again. She studied him for a moment before shrugging. "Well... I'm not quite sure yet."