[u][b]Dyana[/b][/u] Dyana went to grab more practice rounds for her gun, talking to other guards on the way there, when she heard Sky's voice come in on the intercom. The guards she were talking to instantly began moving, making her get into combat mode. Slinging her gun over her back she quickly went to the barracks first, watching others pick out her gun, she quickly scanned the room "Can I get a bag of 6 15 armor piercing sniper rounds for the ESG45, a tactical red dot sight and..." her eyes scanned the walls at the huge number of pistols, until it got her eye "and that" she pointed at the 574SIDE-M/233 "holster and ammo for that as well please!" the man nodded quickly running and then coming back with a small compact military pack, explaining how to get to things fast without taking it off. Dyana quickly nodded her head, and thanked him before turning on her heels, until something caught her eye. She went over to a table and picked up a seemingly reflective hooded cloak. "If it's reflective, why would you need this?" a man walked by and laughed at her "take it, you'll figure it out pretty quickly" he threw one at her and she caught it thanking him, before running out and towards her room. Running in her room, she quickly took off her clothes and put on her combat outfit, followed by the backpack and then the cloak over her. She went over to her door, looking at Colt's and thought for a moment. Running to her bag, she quickly dug through it until she found a titanium bullet, one matching the one around her neck on her necklace. Quickly running out the door, she ran towards the stairs and skipped steps. Reaching the top she caught her breath and sighed "lets hope the knuckle head is up here..." Dyana pushed out the door and saw others were already there, but not to many, looking ahead she saw Colt in front of her and she sighed. Looking down to her gun, she began making sure it was alright then suddenly her mind seemed to begin inspect a switch almost like the safety that she hadn't noticed before. Switching, the barrel began to change, and it suddenly began to widen. [i]"Holy shit this sniper has a rail gun feature? The hell?"[/i] she could hardly contain herself from giggling like a little girl. Switching it off, the barrel switched again and she put it back on her backpack holster. Walking up to Colt, she pulled her hood down and [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/008/b/6/speed_painting___future_sniper_by_fonteart-d5qus2x.jpg]took the mask of the cloak off[/url]. lowering her voice so only Colt could hear "Listen before we go off, I want you to have this" she took off her necklace and put it in his hand "Just to be sure you have to be alive to give it back" she winked at him and watched Sky talking to the others. [@ScarlettWaters16]