[center][img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h357/daniellex28/isabelle_zpskfreutym.jpg[/img][/center] Lilianna is 5'5" tall, with copper-shaded hair, vivid green eyes and a disarming smile. [b]Name:[/b] Lilianna Beaufort [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] [i]Oblivious[/i] - In certain aspects she's beyond naive [b]Occupation:[/b] Horse trainer/ Stable girl (and estranged daughter of a viscount and his wife) [b]Weaponry:[/b] Lily wields a bow and arrow for hunting; a skinning knife as well as a carving knife, carefully sheathed. [b]Apparel:[/b] She wears comfortable dresses of several layers for keeping warm. Each layer of the skirt has a slit running up to her thighs at different angles for added comfort (and revealing nothing) while riding horses. Over her daily attire she'll usually wear a woollen cloak. [b]Equipment:[/b] Furs for sleeping, a pendant bearing her family crest as proof that she's of noble heritage, a leather water skin, a small assortment of herbs for various purposes and a comb and soap (because [i]cleanliness is a virtue[/i]). [b]Skills:[/b] Lily is a more than decent archer, although her skills are limited almost entirely to hunting animals. She is able to skin animals and prepare them for cooking; Lily can make a mouth-watering meal with just a potato and a dead squirrel. Above all she's an excellent horse rider with an affinity for animals in general and the noble equine creatures in specific. Considering her magical abilities though, some might regard it as slightly macabre. [b]Magical abilities:[/b] Lily has the ability to shapeshift into a number of animals commonly found in the vicinity of the farm she lives in (she doesn't know many others, after all), and although she has hardly mastered it to perfection, the girl manages to alter her shape with an apparent ease that stems from childhood. Her favoured forms are the robin and the red fox, and although she, by now, knows better than to risk being discovered for who - and what - she is, shapeshifting is a guilty pleasure that, much like an addiction, has to be satisfied regularly. [b]Personality:[/b] Lily is a sweet girl, a bit on the naive side and a somewhat odd mixture of noble heritage and farmer girl upbringing. Her mannerisms and politeness stem from what she's been taught as a child, even if her current life really doesn't lend itself for impeccable manners and straight posture. Her caring nature befits her healing abilities and she's generally friendly and open towards the townsfolk in a way that could almost be considered [i]endearing[/i]. [b]Backstory:[/b]Lily is originally from Griffinmont, her family of lower noble ranking. She was brought up like a proper little lady, but her magical affinity became apparent at an early age. The first time she disappeared, her parents were in a total panic and convinced their precious daughter had been kidnapped by bandits who would demand their riches. How a small child could make their way all the way up the rickety ladder to the attic, they couldn't figure out, but after two painstaking hours that was exactly where they found Lily, contently playing with half a dozen mice who seemed delighted by her presence. The mystery grew when it happened two times more in that year, especially since the ladder had since been removed. Over the years Lily would leave her parents astounded several times over, each time she managed to seemingly tumble down high windows without harming herself - and never whilst being seen - or climbing up rooftops or getting into locked rooms with narrow windows not even a child could fit through. It wasn't until a few weeks after her seventh birthday that the mystery was solved, when Mrs. Beaufort walked into her daughter's bedroom unannounced to catch her, in all her youthful innocence, wandering up to her windowsill, her eyes longingly gazing up at the sky. Her mother just barely managed to stifle the scream that burnt on her lips as their only child seemed to leap to her own death, but fell silent at an unlikely sight: without any apparent effort the young girl abandoned her human form and instead reduced it to one much smaller, winged and feather-coated, flying into the sky without a care in the world. Of course, once the truth came out, everything inevitably changed. Lilianna's parents decided it would be best not to have her raised in one of the most densely populated and harshly judgemental places of the kingdom, and so Lily spent most her life growing up in Sinegi, a small town in the relative north of Ecen. The frozen mountains have been like sleeping giants, lurking on the distant horizon almost as a warning, but Lily has been blissfully unaware of any truth to the rumours that surround the mythical north. Sinegi is a quiet town with few travellers. It has less than two hundred inhabitants, most of which are farmers and hunters. Surprisingly, the ground is rather fertile and though the harsher climates make the area only suitable for growing sturdy vegetables like carrots and potatoes, the village is pretty much self-sustaining. Lily has been living in with her aunt Margaret and uncle Claas from the tender age of eight and grew up working at the horse farm that has been in their family for generations. The Beaufort horses are pure blooded creatures, strong, healthy and particularly composed, making them extremely suitable for battle. Which is likely why their mounts are almost exclusively sold to the royal army itself, despite the considerable distance between Sinegi and the capital. Lily has been hauling bails of hay, lugging pails of water and brushing the grand horses from the moment she could lift a full bucket and when she got older, she was allowed to break in and ride the animals as well. She has a natural way of handling the noble animals without the need of force or raising her voice (a talent no doubt to be attributed to her magical skills). Her ability to alter her form is something that her aunt and uncle neither encourage nor discourage, and although Lily rarely has need of her skills, her occasional (and generally accidental) display of what she's capable of has made the entirety of the small town all too aware that they have a mage in their midst. But the Sinegians are loyal folk and Lilianna is a girl easy to like; no one ever speaks ill of her and no outsider would know she's any different from the rest of the villagers.