The cycle repeats. Creation led to the development of Knowledge, men striving to become all powerful. Knowledge led to Destruction, as brother killed brother and man razed what they had built. Destruction led to Magic, the souls of men seeping into the ground. Magic led once more to Creation, and a new era of men, magic, and creature began. And so the world was reborn. Man is no longer the sole inhabitant of the great continent of Durian. Magical creatures, sentient creations, and beast turned being all now inhabit the world. Five great cities have risen, and seven empires vie for power and control over Durian. Armies have fought, wars have been won and lost. Even now, war drums sounds over the hills as another great battle approaches. You are a citizen of Durian. Whether you come from one of the five mega cities, or from one of Durian’s endless hamlets and secret dungeons, it matters not. You find yourself in the town of Nifu, just off the coast of the mainland. Why you are here, only you know. Are you a soldier, seeking pay? A mage, pursuing knowledge? A spy, perhaps, looking for the next bite of juicy information. Whatever it may be, you will soon find yourself aiding others as Fate deals you a most unfortunate hand. Will you die, becoming but a drop in the ocean that is life? Or will you survive, fight for what is yours, and see the end of an era? For you are neither the beginning nor the end, and the cycle must go on. [hr] Let me welcome you, and encourage you to join [b]The Cycle of Magic: The Five Great Cities of Durian.[/b] This is going to be a long term roleplay not unlike Dungeons and Dragons, where you and anywhere from three to seven other players will play characters that work together to overcome great challenges and earn countless fortunes. It'll mostly be freeform writing, like most other RP's on this forum. We'll write what happens, what we say, all that stuff. But, for combat, we'll rely on stats and number rolls. We won't actually be writing that stuff down on here; we'll just write up a description of the combat. [b]Let me make that clear:[/b] The numbers influence how the combat plays out, and we write to fit that description. This game has rules like a tabletop game, but all the posts will be written and posted like normal. Your character is currently en route to Thanadan, one of the large cities that form the backbone of the continent of Durian. Why you are here and why you are headed to Durian is up to you. Perhaps you were studying in Din Ghulda, looking to find a better grasp of magic and its intricacies. Perhaps you are a mercenary, looking for work in the north and finding none, and now you return with what little money you have left. Perhaps you are a thief, having fleeced your targets for all they were worth and taking your riches back to the mainland. Regardless the reason, you will soon find your character working with others in circumstances not of your choosing. You will have to work together to survive, and in the process (hopefully) become friends. Again, this’ll play a bit like DnD; you’ll go around and adventure and find stuff to do. Fun! Following this will be all the information you’ll need to create a character and learn about the world of Durian. Now, don’t be intimidated! Most of this stuff is small details, and you won’t need to memorize even a fraction of it, since it’ll all be up for viewing. Just make sure to check out character creation and the factions/empires. That should be enough to get you started. I hope you’re interested, and will consider applying with a character sheet! (please post your character sheet here in the OOC to be accepted. You can place it in the character tab once it’s been OK’d) [hider=Information] [b]Character Creation[/b] When creating your character, you can choose their race, gender, class, and general statistics. Their backstory is up to you, so get creative! You can say what their previous profession was, who they align themselves with, what their personality is, or how they ended up in town of Nifu. Also, previous knowledge and some form of relationship (romantic or otherwise) with the other players’ characters is not only allowed, but encouraged! [b]STATS: Strength:[/b] Affects Melee/Normal attack damage; Affects chance of receiving stun/flinch in combat and dealing a stun/flinch; Determines ability to use certain weapons. [b]Endurance:[/b] Affects Starting Health and Health earned per level; Affects enemy normal attacks’ effectiveness; Affects enemy poison and other status effects’ chance [b]Intelligence:[/b] Affects Total Mana Points and Mana Points gained per level; Determines Spell Effectiveness; Determines ability to use certain spells and abilities; [b]Wisdom:[/b] Affects enemy spells’ effectiveness; Affects healing item effectiveness; Affects experience earned; Affects mana costs [b]Charisma:[/b] Affects Buying and Selling Prices; Unlocks taunts that can be used to debuff enemies or buff allies; Can be used to persuade in special circumstances. [b]Agility:[/b] Affects Speed/Move Order; Affects dodge chance; Determines ability to use certain weapons. [b]Luck:[/b] Affects chance of landing critical hits; Affects chance of finding a salvageable item/armor piece/weapon. Small effect on dodge chance. [u]Levels and Leveling Up:[/u] All characters start at level 1, with a base of 10 in each stat, modified by their race and class. Each level up through level 10 earns you two stat points to spend. Starting at level 11, you earn 1 stat point per level. Additionally you will earn a skill point every level until level 8. After that, you will receive a skill point every two levels until level 14 (8, 10, 12, 14). After that, you will earn a skill point every three levels (17, 20, 23, etc.). [b]Seven races available to play: (No, you cannot play as some other race. Don’t even ask) Also note that when looking at each race’s skills, ONLY that race may obtain and use those skills. A djinn can’t use a human’s skills, and vice versa. Keep that in mind when choosing a race.[/b] [indent][b]Humans:[/b] +2 Stat points (your choice as to where) [url=]Appearance[/url] Humans are among the more prolific members of the continent of Durian.They own the most cities, have the most population, and by far the most diverse out of all the races. They can fill nearly any role, and can specialize or broaden their skill set as needed. Both paths come with difficulties; specialization leaves gaps in their defenses, while becoming a jack of all trades leaves them with no outstanding strengths. Though they own the most land in Durian, humans are not everywhere; you can often stumble across hamlets of other races. That said, at major hubs of trade and larger cities you are guaranteed to find humans; the same cannot be said for other races. [b]Djinn:[/b] +1 INT, +1 END Appearance Examples: [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url] [url=]three[/url] Djinn are a magically inclined race, and possess two bodies in a sense. At their truest form, they are a floating ball of pure energy and fire, free to fly and unleash powerful magic. In practice, though, they are limited by these forms. Out in the relative cold of the world, they are vulnerable and lose their heat after only a few days, and subsequently die. Thus they typically inhabit a second body, what they call their ilignus. It is a humanoid body made of charcoal and burnt wood. In this form they are safe, though they cannot fly and their magic is lessened. It is unfathomably rare to see an unsheltered djinn outside the hottest of deserts. There, they walk the wastes, a semi-nomadic people that form loose tribes, for in the deserts they have no fear of dying if caught outside their ilignus. Children are not given an ilignus until one year of age, and consistently grow through shells until they reach maturity at the age of 24. A full grown djinn, when in their ilignus, can reach anywhere from 5 to 7 feet in height. A djinn near the end of their life, at around 200 years old, can be as tall as 9 feet. The Djinn are not the same beings that we imagine in our world. They do not reside in bottles and do not grant wishes. They are merely a magical race. They possess three genders, and can seamlessly transition from to another. For simplicity, most humans regard them as male, female, and demale, even though a Djinn isn’t stuck as one or another. [b]Mechanid/Majin:[/b] +3 END, - 1 AGI Appearance Examples: [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url] [url=]three[/url] Majin, or Mechanids as they are known to most other races, are a race of sentient machines that are thought to possess souls. They tend to keep themselves, even avoiding others of the same kind. They are genderless, and the knowledge of how they reproduce, or at least the manufacture of more of them, has been lost to time. Their bodies are incredibly durable, though being made of metal they are clumsier than other races. That is not to say they are not fast, though. Majin can vary even more than humans in terms of size and shape. They can be wiry and short, as short as 4 feet tall, or massive and hulking, up to 8 feet. Though they are durable, their weakness is a consistent means of regenerating their bodies. They cannot take healing potions like other races, and sleeping only rests their minds and souls. They must find metal - any kind - and consume it. Then, they can sleep and regenerate their health. Additionally, once a year they have to maintain themselves, removing rust and replacing bad parts. This costs additional metal to perform. It is unknown how long a Majin can live for, though some claim to have been alive for over a millennia, while the youngest claim to be at least 200 years old. [b]Kenku:[/b] +2 AGI, + 1 WIS, - 1 STR Appearance Examples: [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url] [url=]three[/url] Kenku are a race of avian humanoids. They resemble crows in both appearance and mannerisms. They usually range 4 to 6 feet in height and are very lightweight, though not particularly strong. Though they have feathers, claws, and beaks, they have no wings and cannot fly. Moreover, though they can speak avian and understand the common language, they cannot talk normally as others do. If they attempt to do so, what they intend to say comes out in avian and sounds like a crow’s caw. If they wish to speak in common, they must rely on their mimicry. If they have heard a sound before, they can mimic it near perfectly. This includes ambient sounds, the sounds of animals, and other languages, including ones they do not understand (though they cannot truly communicate if they do not understand the language.) Most Kenkus live either in small cloisters in the mountains and the forests, or they live in the slums of large cities, thieving and robbing to survive. It is said that, long ago, the god of the Kenkus became displeased with their avarice and greed, and struck them from his domain. They lost their wings and the ability to speak anything other than avian. Most Kenku are displeased with their lot in life, and wish more than anything to fly and speak freely. They turn to thieving to fulfill the desire they have to take back their gifts. [b]Metatyutem:[/b] +2 WIS Appearance Examples: [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url] [url=]three[/url] Metatyutem, as they call themselves, or doppelgangers, as they are known colloquially, present a very controversial issue. They are, without a doubt, sentient creatures, and have played a valuable role in the world and in civilization. But their capability of turning into another creature and mimicking their persona near perfectly frightens many and angers even more. Many see doppelgangers as lesser beings, and look upon them with spite and mistrust. As a result, most doppelgangers prefer to stay disguised most of the time, using one or two favored personas. They are relatively rare beings, so they often have no reason to reveal their true form; they will only do so around truly trusted individuals, or behind closed doors with another of their race. Metatyutem can recognize one another when disguised, their natural magic leaving a footprint that others can identify. They assume the gender of whichever person they replicate, and although they can mate with other shifters, it is usually more convenient to mate with members of another species, usually humans. The offspring is almost always a shifter, whose powers are latent and only reveal themselves near adulthood. As a species, Metatyutem aren’t necessarily malevolent. They are merely interested in self-preservation and furthering whatever goals they have, whether they be good or evil. [b]Naga:[/b] +1 STR, +1 AGI Appearance Examples: [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url] [url=]three[/url] Naga are a race of amphibious, lizard-like humanoids. Possessing a wiry strength no other race can match, they can be a fiercely territorial, yet surprisingly artistic race. They are usually no-nonsense when it comes to people outside of their village, and it shows in their weaponry, murals, songs, dances, and general behavior. Naga typically live in one of three types of environments. The first is in marshland, where they are a semi-nomadic people that reside in medium sized wooden tents. They patrol a wide swath of land, keeping outsiders away and hunting for their village. The second place is by a river. These villages can grow quite large, as they have a ready supply of water and food, not to mention access to other races. These towns can grow to be as large as small human city, and are often hubs of trade and commerce. Naga in these towns are often more tolerant of other races; considering their proximity, it is an expected outcome. The third type of environment is by an ocean, or by saltwater. These villages are often smaller, as Naga can’t breathe saltwater as well or as long as in freshwater. Moreover, their food is limited to what they can catch in the sea and what they can forage above ground. These towns are usually far away from the mouths of rivers, and are somewhat isolated; after all, if Naga decided to camp near the mouth of a river, they would prefer to head upstream rather than stay by the saltwater. Their weaponry is known to be of a very high quality and very efficient for underwater combat. The quality is surprising, considering they often have little to no access to metals, instead relying on bone and other organic materials. Sarben: + 1 AGI, + 1 END, + 1 LCK, -1 CHR Appearance examples: [url=]one[/url] [url=]two[/url] [url=]three (ignore the thing on the right)[/url] It is unknown whether a Sarben is more organic or more construct, though many speculate they are spirits that have come to inhabit a mostly inorganic body. In that regard, they are most closely resembled by Djinn and Mechanids. Little is known of this race, as they rarely venture beyond the sand of the deserts they inhabit. They are thought to be highly mobile nomads, and are known to live off of cactus juice and sunlight. For the most part they get along with Djinn they may encounter, though still keep to themselves. Sarben that have left the desert are usually quite polite, and even amicable to others. Such individuals are few and far between, rarer even than Majin, and when asked refuse to say why they are there or why they do not go back to the desert. One of the few things they have said is that in the desert, they can morph into sand and travel as fast as the wind (though not outside of the desert, and of course none who have been asked have been able to do so in the taverns they were asked in). Whether this claim is true or not is up for debate. [/indent] [b]CLASSES & SPECIALIZATIONS:[/b] Classes can be chosen by the player, including the name and the distribution of 8 Stat points (but please don’t be dumb and say you’re a scout but put all the points into luck or something. You’ll either need to rename your class to the Fool or redistribute your points to better fit a ‘scout’). Additionally, you can remove UP TO 4 points from one, two, or three stats to redistribute elsewhere; examples: -2 STR and +1 CHR and +1 INT or -1 STR and -1 END and +2 LUCK or -3 CHR and +3 WIS. You get the idea. Classes come with either one free spell, special attack, or special attribute of your choice. Class creation and future skills (read: spells, special attacks, and passives) are going to be created collaboratively. If you try and put in an ability or spell that I believe doesn’t fit with a certain class, I’ll deny it and ask you to please think carefully if it actually DOES fit. If you still think it does, try and convince me using reason. I’m flexible, and if you can provide a good reason why it should fit I’ll allow it. [b]In summary:[/b] Each character starts with a base of ten in each stat. Next, add the points that come from your racial bonus. Then, add eight points to your desired stats and define what you want your class name to be. Finally, you can choose to redistribute four points if you so desire. The class description will be done by you, but actual creation of the class’ skills, i.e. spells, special attacks, and passives will be done closer to when the game will start, in about a week or two. This class progression will be done cooperatively, where you basically tell me what your character can do and I create skills to go with that description. It’ll be a back and forth, where I give you a rough draft of the skills and their progression, and you can ask for changes here and there. Ultimately, though, I have the final say on what can and can’t be put in. While you can have a spell that knocks out all enemies for three turns, something that powerful will be unlocked at a much higher level and at a higher mana cost than, say, a spell that blasts a couple enemies for a few points of damage. Also keep in mind: while you can play as a more deadly character from their background, such as an assassin, you won’t be starting at any higher an advantage than someone who plays someone ‘weaker’, say a militia man. The class determines where your strengths are, and how you can grow as a character, not how strong you are to start. [/hider] [hider=Character Template] [b](Sample Character)[/b] (This is an example of what a character should look like when he/she is submitted. Anything that is in parenthesis, like this explanation, is there to provide information and should not be included in the actual character submission.) [b]Name:[/b] Penelope Fletcher [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Lochmarsh, Elsin (at this point, you’re not expected to know much about each individual area. Just give me a country name and a general area on the map. Also, feel free to give your hometown a name or give however many details you want. As long as your backstory doesn’t make your character super-mungo over powered, it’ll be fine. After all, this is a large setting, and I’m not about to stunt your creativity here!) [b]Appearance and Personality:[/b] Penelope is a sturdy woman, and stands at 5’9”. Her hands are callused from years of helping her father make bows and arrows. That, and her somewhat plain looks means she isn’t well regarded in some of the more popular social circles in her hometown of Lochmarsh. Her work-hardened and serious exterior hides a very content and joyous woman. Anyone who takes the time to know her finds her a joy to be around, though those who shun her for her work and looks only see her derision for them, instead of her otherwise happy demeanor. (This section is for describing your character, both on the inside and the outside. Feel free to write more than this for your character’s description, but please try and write at least this much. Also, I don’t care if you use Imperial or Metric. Use whichever is more comfortable for measurements.) [b]Class:[/b] Craftsman (If she were to become a fighter, she’d likely become an Archer) This class focuses on creating items, and generally supporting others. Her talents have been honed over several years, apprenticed to her father. Anybody worth their salt knows that she and her father produce some of the best arrows in Elsin, barring the master craftsmen in Derimoor. Having a need to test her wares, Penelope has become an excellent shot with bows and crossbows, and can feel the minute differences between each arrow and each bow. [b]Stats:[/b] [b]STR:[/b] 14 [b]END:[/b] 10 [b]INT: [/b]12 [b]WIS:[/b] 11 [b]CHR:[/b] 11 [b]AGI:[/b] 14 [b]LCK:[/b] 8 (The total should add up to 80) [b]Background:[/b] (This section should be at least two paragraphs long, and the paragraphs should be at least the length of Penelope’s Class description.) [b](Character Template) Name: Race: Gender: Age: Place of Origin: Appearance and Personality: Class: Stats: STR: END: INT: WIS: CHR: AGI: LCK: Background:[/b] [/hider]