[b] Eggs:[/b] I do not see how eggs will play a major role because you wont need to breed to get moves.. If logically the pokemon should be able to learn it then start working on teaching it. [b]Key Items:[/b] Are of coarse they will play a role. We will need that flute if we are gonna wake up snorelax, And bikes.. Golden rod city as usual. if you like get fancy and get a skate board... don't care. (though a bike is likely better. lol) [b]Fossils and Underground:[/b] Fossils will of coarse be included and Underground is fine if you guys want it. [b]Safari Zone:[/b] That is a must have! [b]TMs:[/b] Not really.. It is the trainers job to teach them.. (Besides I never really got how pokemon learned from a disk anyways.) I do have some ideas for replacing TMs though.. and am welcome to more.. [b]Pokedex:[/b] There is no reason to complete it.. Lets just say Red already did that, so catch your favorite pokemon and have fun.. Rember that you can only carry six and be considerate not to catch too many so that every one has a chance to hav a unique party. However is someone catches the some pokemon you have then have fun with it. ^^ ( There are plenty of Zoobat to go around)