Gin was feeling very curious about her, finding everything about her all the way down to what she wore on her feet to be of interest to him. He didn’t get out much and that was evident just by how he spoke and moved. He was sure he had found their target and was pretty happy about that, but at the same time he was very curious about what she had and how she looked. His main interest was on anything that glowed, especially when things that glowed generally made him feel happy and safe. Giving her a toothy smile when she took notice of him he tapped his fingers together, listening to what she had to say as he looked back down at the strange device. He couldn’t imagine how it worked like that but it was sure remarkable, finding how it must had been crafted to be of interest to him as well. [color=f7941d]”Music…tool?”[/color] he spoke, giving it a look over before looking back to the woman as she granted her name, giving her a smile at his accomplishment. He never did get someone to be comfortable with him so this was nice, but she did spot he was different fairly quickly as well. [color=f7941d]”Me…? I’m not from here…uhh, I’m Gin, it’s short for Ginkoruma! Heh! Heh…”[/color] Well now he was just getting embarrassed, his cheeks flaring up as he lowered his vision. He shouldn’t be so direct like that. Looking back up at her he smiled at the offer for a show, giving her a nod but gasped when Metou suddenly spoke up, frowning once again at his denial for something pleasant. That was twice she had done that, first with food and now with this. Feeling a little frustrated he went all red again and lowered his head, hitting his hip with his fist a few times. He guessed it was time for them to get some information out of her, even if he was having a nice time having a casual conversation for once.