I added a couple of fields for you Ais. Name: Clarafield Miller Appearance: [hider=Picture] [img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-qSUj7cBv4iQ/VMfr8EiMwPI/AAAAAAAAABs/LdO8r9n4s8M/w800-h800/Konachan.com%2B-%2B154127%2Bblue_eyes%2Bbrown_hair%2Bclouds%2Blong_hair%2Boriginal.png[/img] [/hider] Age: 16 Race: Beastkin Room: End of the hall Traditional Magic Magic Specialty: (Shapeshifting, elemental control, etc) Shapeshifting Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind): 1) Fire 2) Earth 3) Wind 4) Water Magic Affinity: (Mental, Physical, Spiritual, etc) Mental Unique Traits: A wolf's ears and tail. She can hide the tail for short periods of time. Likes: Reading in a quiet place Meditation Dislikes: Racial Bias Injustice Personality: Clarafield is a little introverted, but if someone needs help she's typically the first one to offer it. History: Clarafield has spent her life protected by her parents in a small village in Europe. Because of her ears and tail, she has been hidden from view from almost everybody. Pet desired: Wolf Cub Other: Is following rainbows not required? I'm working on a Dragonrider CS now.