[centre] [h3][color=f7941d]~Avery Grant~[/color][/h3] Brain Control to Major Avery: What in the ivory fuck are you doing? Major Avery to Brain Control: Playing hide ‘n’ seek. Want in? A bright flash pulled the boy down from space. A deafening roar drew his restless attention to the hulking rock monster, which was thrashing about. It’s tail came dangerously close to Avery. Which would have been bad. Avery would have to be IT, then. Nobody makes Avery IT. … Well, nobody, unless you count the kids back in New Bark. Or Papa Garfield. Or Brain. Then there was that time that Avery played Tag by himself. Huh. Well, Avery didn’t want to be IT this time. … Alright, so he kind of did. Melody and Quietbro were here, and so was Onixbro. And Onixbro seemed like he was really good at this game. He’d be WAAAY fun to play with. And Avery hadn’t yet gotten to play with Melbro or Quietbro. That had to change. But not yet. He couldn’t just show himself. That would just ruin the thrill of the game, the battle of wits, the… Oh no. Looks like Onixbro found the others. Avery watched as the rock snake spot his friends. It bent down and observed the two of them for a few moments, then left. Hiding, obviously. Onixbro had to be happy to have some buddies to play with. Well, anytime he wanted, Avery would be there in a heartbeat. What were friends for? Speaking of friends...Melbro and Quietbro were spotted at the same time. And Onixbro had left to hide so… So… Avery gasped. Melbro and Quietbro...they were IT. Avery smiled. Well, they wouldn’t find him. Avery shuffled down out of the tree. He landed, looked at the two young trainers, and took off sprinting the other way. Game on, bros. [hr] He didn’t see Onixbro again, sadly. Despite running off in a similar direction, it just didn’t happen. But Avery DID have a tendency to get turned around. Then around. And around. And… It had been a while. Quietbro and Melbro, well, he hadn’t seen them since bolting. Which was good. He would win this game. Definitely. Upon his head shall rest the hide ‘n’ seek crown of victory. The people back home would be so proud. Avery stopped. He heard something. Something crackling. Then he smelled something. It smelled...it smelled... It smelled delicious. Avery’s mouth watered a bit. He stumbled off towards that glorious aroma. Food. It had to be food. It smelled like food. And his mouth was doing the mouth thing it did around food. And his stomach was making food sounds. Food. Food. Food. Foo- Abibro? Avery pushed a branch out of his way and entered a small clearing. He still smelled that glorious smell. And fire. Brain had to pitch in, but put two and two together. Somebody had been cooking here. And judging by the pale girl with the purple hair? Abibro. Her head was tilted back and she was talking with Spiderbro, but Avery would recognize that voice anywhere. Well, probably not anywhere. He just met her. And he wasn’t good with voices. Or names. Or numbers. Or history. Or science. Or art. Or music. Or fishing. Wait. No. He was good at that last one. Fishing he could do. And he hardly ever stuck himself with the hook. And last time he got tangled up in the fishing line was… … ANYWAY. [color=662d91]"...hair again by the way, I will feed you to a flock of hoothoot."[/color] Avery blinked. He didn’t want to be fed to a flock of hoothoot. He didn’t even like bird pokemon. They always taunted him with the whole flying thing. And it wasn’t fair: Avery had tried to flap away into freedom plenty of times. No luck though. They were hiding the secret of flight...but Avery would find it one day. And then who would be laughing? Brain kicked Avery, then bit him. He was doing the airhead thing again. He needed to work on that. But not now. Now he smiled widely and stumbled into Abibro’s camp. He sure was glad to see her. She wasn’t tainted, unlike Melbro and Quietbro, so she probably wouldn’t sell him into IThood. Surely she had more integrity than that. [color=f7941d]“Nice fire!”[/color] Right? … Also, uh...what did integrity mean? Distracted by the hard questions in life, Avery moved into camp and sat by the fire, just off to Abigail’s right. He held his hands up and embraced the warm, still smiling that simple smile of his. Life was good. [/centre]