The scent of life and the pulse of beating hearts were foreign to these caves. The sounds so soft, reverberated through the surrounding earth to the ears of the dormant vampires. The strangeness awakened them, and with consciousness came hunger. Six cultists, six vampires, and six days of service they would give. Onyx wings and golden teeth they had, and the vampire sires descended over the wall and began their lustful frenzy of turning and death. Many new vampires were made and many freshly dead corpses lie in waiting for Darko's touch. As Darko left for the temple, Sekaula waved her hands over the pool, weaving her magic over the fallen, calling to the newly bitten. The village was hers and Death's. "Poor weak and helpless X." Sekaula mocked and laughed. "Your secrets are irrelevant, for no matter what you see, in blood there will always be my power." Sekaula now had a vampire army, fed and capable to expanding itself like a plague. She grinned to herself in the darkness of hell. "Ah but my vampires drank so much blood. I too am thirsty." She reached into the blood pool, her hand passing through the bottom of the basin as if into another plane. "Dyleon, my champion..." The dire wolf's eyes lit up as it served as a medium to the goddess. Sekaula slowly withdrew her hand from the pool, and in it she held a still beating heart, dripping with blood. "Your offering pleases me, and I shall reward you." Truly, her champion gave her great glory and pride, and blood, and he would never truly die, since she had his heart forever. The goddess lifted Dyleon's heart in front of her lips, then slowly, delicately, she stuck out her long tongue and licked a wet trail up its side, intending what it would do to him. "You are unmatched in my favor, werewolf. I will bless you with more blood to shed in my name. To the west, the temple of the god of secrets offends me. I will send you an army of vampires to command. Take them, and destroy the fools who do not know my wrath. I will see X punished for his arrogance."