[center] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/84/0f/0e/840f0e50d67c0a4364bd5db11481ac4d.jpg[/img] [u][b]Name/Nickname:[/b][/u] Eovaine Tervall / The Blue Demon [u][b]Quote:[/b][/u] "Stay out of the shadows, for you will only be met with hatred." [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Elf [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Despite his rather harsh past, Eovaine is a nice person, which is strange considering he was also an assassin and spy for the elves before he fled the concave. However, he strongly believes in treating others as he would want to be treated, and thinks that in treating others kindly the world will somehow make everything up to him. Eovaine is also a very pragmatic elf. When he has an assignment or a kill that he has to do, he will throw away all his emotions and kill the target without second thought. This has caused him grief in the past and some of his assassinations haunt him still, especially the final contract that he took before he left the conclave. He deals with usually by ignoring it, or by making himself happier by putting a smile on someone else's face. If one were to look deeply into Eovaine's eyes, they would see deep rooted depression. He hides this expertly, as it had been affecting him a good portion of his life, and like how he deals with most problems, when he has a particularly dark day, he either tries to make someone else besides himself happy or spends time with nature to look at how beautiful the world was made. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Eovaine is the third child of his family and the only boy. Once he was able to stand and carry a sword, his father began training him by taking him away from the family into a secluded training ground where they would be alone and where he could practice day in and day out. The idea of the harsh training at first intimidated the young elf, but he soon found that he was enjoying the training, and enjoying spending time with his father who taught him the values of kindness and respecting the beauties of nature. When they weren't training, they were talking, and they talked about many things and often ventured into the woods and forests, sometimes staying silent for hours simply watching. Although he didn't understand at the time, the quiet moments were tactfully done by his father to teach the young elf patience as his father was constantly telling him that impatience was the bane of success. As his training continued, Eovaine's father began teaching him how to use most weapons, and after several years of intense training he was a master with the daggers and adept with every other weapon. Once his father could teach him no more, he asked him to join the military, and although he disliked the thought of killing, he knew that the military was mostly inactive and only kept as glorified guards, so he accepted his father's request and joined. When he joined, he was moved off into the training camps where he stayed in a small cabin with four other elves. The first few months were conditioning their bodies to take on and handle the harshness of war, and Eovaine having gone through years of training with his father was nearly at the peak of his condition. His commanding officers took notice of his physique, but it wasn't until combat training that they realized just how valuable Eovaine was. A few weeks later, he was pulled out of training and he met with a scarred elf that told him he wouldn't be joining the military, instead he would be joining the Silent Blades, a paramilitary intelligence organization of assassins and spies that used covert ops to protect the their nation's interests. He would have declined and turned away, except the scarred elf told him that his father used to be a high ranking officer in the organization, which eventually convinced Eovaine to join. Training for him was short, only lasting five years which fine tuned his skills with the daggers and other weapons by teaching him how to use the environment to his advantage and how to hide in plain site. Of course, they also taught him how to use the shadows and remain undetected when outside of the conclave. When his training was done, he was assigned small intelligence operations within the conclave, to gather information from the high ranking elves within the society, or silently take down troublesome fey that the national guard couldn't touch due to their power or other nuances of politics that stayed their hand. This continued for a decade until his first mission outside of the conclave was given to him. He was to travel with a caravan under the guise of as the caravan guard to the Vornaric Imperium where he was to spy on a few well known nobles that were a little too open about their desire for revenge on the fey. He watched the nobles and spied on them continuously for nearly three years, going back and forth with the caravan and discussing his findings with his superiors, that the place was a game of politics and each family had many enemies and many friends. After gathering information on each of the friends and enemies of those families, he was tasked with leading a small group of assassins to take out the families and make it seem like their enemies took them out. The assassinations were done flawlessly, the caravans continued to go into the Vornaric Imperium and Eovaine continued to follow them under his usual guide, to follow up on the assassinations and make sure that things were in order. He returned and reported that most of the noble families were talking about the assassinations and that they were convinced it had been other families that took out his targets. A few years later, he was sent to the free cities under the guise of a wealthy merchant's son who set out to make a name for himself in the trade business, and he was tasked with spying and gathering information on a particular city lord. However, things went amok a few months into his assignment. He was beginning to set up shop when a group of guards came to him with their weapons drawn, and although he was able to easily take them out, he restrained his hand until one of the guard's visages faltered and Eovaine was able to see that it was an elf. He was about to engage when a blast of fire clouted him in the face, and although Eovaine was able to douse the fire with his own magic, it left him badly scarred and he fled the fight before anymore damage could be done to him. Back within the conclave, his superiors set him on the sidelines while his wounds healed, and they told him because of his now unique face, he could no longer go beyond the conclave for spying. Eovaine took the news hard, and spent several years with little contact from his superiors and other elves. It was in that time that the Presidium summoned him. Curious as to why they would call him, he went to the three floating spires and stood at their base where he heard their voices in his head as they informed him that the commanding officer of the Silent Blades had been compromised and was leaking vital information to the Vornaric Imperium, they then tasked him with taking out his commander. Knowing full well what that would mean, he set out and commissioned a a blue demon mask and unique armour set from one of his blacksmith friend. It took several months to gather the materials and make his request, and during that time, Eovaine was mentally and physically preparing himself to take down the leader of the paramilitary intelligence organization. When he received his armour, he paid his friend for his trouble and began stalking his commanding officer for several more months. His opportunity to strike at him came when the elf left Ryn to go meet with his family, and Eovaine struck in the middle of the road under the darkness of night. The commander had been camping with several of his guards when Eovaine struck, taking down the three guards with ease and went for the scarred elf. The fight lasted for several minutes before Eovaine managed to impale the elf with his own blade in the heart. After his kill he stood there for some moments in silence then walked back to Ryn where he would say his goodbyes to his own family. When he reached his family's home, he found his father with his weapon out with five other Silent Blade members all facing Eovaine. His father told him that he betrayed the order by killing the commander and that the Order always takes care of its own, with or without the blessings of the Primordial. He fought off the five assassins, killing three of them, and managed to maim his father before he ran out of Ryn. On the outskirts of the capital, he used his skills to evade the rest of the assassins until he left the conclave entirely, and fled into the free cities. On the outside, he found that the prosecution and hatred he faced for being an elf was increased when not under the guise of a merchant, and although he disliked the treatment he took it in stride as it was a far better fate than what awaited him within the Conclave. He was also aware that the Silent Blades would be hunting him, trying to find him in order to kill their defected traitor, and he knew that if he didn't have a group of allies protecting him he would be as good as dead, either by the other races or by his elven kin. Then he recalled the mention of of a renowned adventuring group called the Iron Mountain and traveled to their base of operations in Highwinter where he joined the group. [u][b]Martial Skills:[/b][/u] - [i]Sneaking[/i] - Eovaine is a master at using the shadows and the night to his advantage. His patience only makes his skill more effective and will sometimes use fear tactics to cause discord within his enemies' ranks. - [i]Combat[/i] - Eovaine has mastered all sorts of weapons but feels most comfortable with his daggers. He is lithe, quick, and can take down multiple enemies single handedly quite easily. [u][b]Passive Skills:[/b][/u] - [i]Trade[/i] - Having spent a long time with the trade caravans, Eovaine has learned a few tricks in getting the price he wants for certain items and can convince others to buy whatever he might sell at ridiculously overpriced prices. - [i]Cooking[/i] - Spending a lot of time by himself and with caravansary has taught him how to cook and become quite adept at it. - [i]Hunting[/i] - Although Eovaine hasn't hunted much before, he uses the skills he learned to track and take down his skills, seeing it as something slightly similar to the work he used to do. - [i]Alchemy[/i] - He can make interesting concoctions, although most of them tend to medicinal or poisonous. [u][b]Magic Skills:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u] [i]Poison[/i] - Eovaine always carries a couple of vials of poison on his person in case he gets in trouble and needs to douse his weapons with them. [i]Throwing stars[/i] - Eovaine's favoured ranged weapon. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Eovaine's favourite food is the apple pie, and he would kill a person to get it if he could. [/center]