[h1][center][color=gold][u][b]Sir Gorun of House Gravelbeard[/b][/u][/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/240/d/7/dwarven_knight_by_wolfofaztec-d5cqqtd.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][b]I gain strength by obtaining freedom from my God[/b][/i][/center] [center][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male[/center] [center][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Dwarf[/center] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Unlike most dwarves, Gorun abides by many dwarvern traditions but understands those who either choose not to or follow different ones. Additionally, he is curious about other traditions and will also ask questions about them. He considers his sense of honor to be a major part of him, and is loyal to those who are loyal to him. He does respect rank, although he may grumble periodically about the order of things. He appreciates hard work and will not tolerate those who do not try. He is talkative and cheerful most of the time, as he does not believe there is a point in silence. Politically, he appears to be something of a libertarian. He is quick to assign people to the friend or foe category, and will treat someone as if he has known them for years despite the time of their relationship. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Short, Stout, and muscular, Gorun is the image of a dwarf. He appears to be about fifty, with some mild wrinkles going across his skin. His eyes are a dark gray, and when emotional the whites of his eyes will turn gold. Unlike most dwarves, he has a small tan indicating that he has spent some time on the surface. He sports a large beard, and all of his hair is a dark grey. His house emblem is a gold double sided axe with grey beards extending from beneath the blades. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] House Gravelbeard has historically belonged to the minor nobility within the capitol, using sons as either men-at-arms or minor supervisors of industry. Most Great Houses & Middle Houses are able to have their sons become squires at a young age and train one on one underneath the supervision of a knight. It is considered uncommon but not rare for a minor noble to be knighted for talent, as being a knight is something of skill, not blood. Gravelbeard realized Gorun's talents in combat quickly, and sent him to military training at a young age. Originally hot-headed, angry, and ready for glory, Gorur learned about teamwork and the importance of respecting others as he trained with his peers. Like the rest, he followed orders to an incredible degree, believing that their military society would lead them to glory. He fought many battles and many friends died while trying to secure the deep roads for greater dwarvern expansion. However he countinued to serve with faith. His House was eventually bankrupted and sent packing for a fortress on the most extreme outskirts of the kingdom, Lockstead. At this new place, humans and elves and many other creatures lived in a town outside the caverns where the dwarves slept. The area had a wealth of culture and initially Gorun was angry at it. Over time without realizing it he gained friends within the town. He married a halfling, Maruna. He continued to train and fight in minor skirmishes, and was eventually promoted from a man at arms to a knight after showing his skill individually in a difficult one. He was ecstatic. His questioning of dwarvern superiority left and he started to treat his non-dwarvern friends as inferior, including his wife. Mid-Way through his abusive relationship, losing friends, and being a general ass a siege happened. The baron of the fortress ordered the doors closed to the rest of Lockstead, allowing all those outside to be killed. Gorun was stunned, shocked, and enraged at this action. Everyone could have been saved, but the baron did not care for the lives of the non-dwarvern people of Lockstead. Getting in a heated argument with the baron about this, the lord threatened Maruna and was killed in return. After leading Lockstead to victory and taking the fortress for Gravelbeard, Gorun sent in a letter of resignation to the kingdom's administration and left with his wife for Sadia, leaving Lockstead in possession of his father, who banished Gorun for being dishonorable. In Sadia Sir Gorun apprenticed beneath a Mapepo, Sirul, and learned the art of enchanting. After ten year's of peace the Dwarves sent for an assasin to kill Gorun and his wife. Sirul said Gorun was graduated and gave Gorun a pass to the free cities. Since then his wife has been in hiding and Gorun adventuring. Gorun has taken a squire, learned of a growing movement seeking to establish a constitutional monarchy within the dwarvern lands, and had three kids. The squire although not graduated tends to stick more within the free city affairs. [u][b]Martial Skills:[/b][/u] It is Dwarvern Tradition for knights to become experts in a short and long weapon, with an expectation of being decent with them all. Usually these weapons are axes and hammers. [u]Guardian[/u] This Dwarvern knight began his service as a man-at-arms of a greater house, often serving in shieldwalls. While many Dwarvern knights born in greater houses end up favoring the lighter round shield for one on one dueling, Gravelbeard learned the tower first and stuck with it even when knighted. Hitting Gorur behind his shield is considered an achievement even among knights. He tends to favor the hatchet for it's speed when using the shield. He prefers to draw fights out when fighting this, to tire his opponents and learn how they fight. [u]Reacher[/u] Gorun uses his halberd as his medium ranged weapon, allowing him to pound through most opponents defense with sheer force then stab or slice them. Useful for breaking through shield walls. He is an expert in this field. [u]Single Sword[/u] Gravelbeard is not an expert with the short-sword, although when fighting without a shield it is his small weapon of choice. [u]Legendary Conditioning[/u] Wearing armor twelve hours a day means swimming with it is normal. It is not uncommon for dwarvern knights to fall asleep on the ground in their well padded helmets. You get used to it. [u]Descent With Almost Everything Else[/u] He has a working knowledge of the mechanics of most weapons [u][b]Passive Skills:[/b][/u] [u]Noble[/u] He can hold and act in almost all courts in the land, respecting the customs of others while not submitting to them. [u]Miner[/u] He is a dwarf. [u]Stonesense[/u] While not as good as expert miners, Gravelbeard has an incredible sense of direction while underground. [u]Scholar[/u] Studying enchanting forced Gorun to learn reading and enjoy it. While not a professional, he is somewhat well learned. [u][b]Magic Skills:[/b][/u] [u]Legendary Enchanter[/u] What is known is that his armor can sustain a ridiculous number of blows before failing. I have some pretty clever plans on how to use this, so I'd rather not tell anyone but the OP. If I do a reveal through RP I will add it here. [hider=Enchantments][b]Lustro:[/b] a coin that can store up energy from the sun and emit varying amounts of fire based on the command given to it.[/hider] [u][b]Inventory: [/b][/u] [u]Belt[/u] Mythril Sword, Rope Coil, a few pouches for loose items, a mug sized and seemingly never ending keg. [u]Back[/u] Backpack with a pickaxe and hachet tied to it, containing larger items and a foot long portable hole with engravings. [u]Other[/u] Steel Plate armor with many engravings on the surface, along with a chain-mail hauberk beneath it to close the gaps. [u]Mount[/u] Steel Tower Shield (Featuring Hose Crest), Halberd, and tent. He ain't carrying that. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] He loves apple pie almost as much as he loves ale. Remember, he is a dwarf.