[@ArenaSnow] [hider=Half Angel and the Demon] Essentially, it takes place in a world that which angels and demons war on the mortal plane, catching humans in the way of this eternal battle between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil - though neither is always what they seem. Halfbreeds are despised and breeding between angels and demons is forbidden by both Lucifer and Micheal, though one couple secretly had a child, a young girl, who they were murdered to bare. She was not killed, instead left the live as an example f why they must never produce offspring. She was shunned, chased, and when she let free human captives and slaves, she was hunted down. She is to find sanctuary with one demon male, who saves her life. He is the barer of the Mark of Cain. He is a pure blooded demon, his soul black and his strength nearly unstoppable. His motives are unknown - and yours to create. [/hider]