[h3]From [i][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80304-dear-anonymous]Dear Anonymous . . .[/url][/i][/h3] [center][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/5664330/original.jpg[/img] [i]= If you can't jam to your own life's song, you need to make a new track =[/i] [b]What is your real name?[/b] Marcus Dunlap [b]Are you male or female?[/b] Male [b]What is your age?[/b] 17 [b]When is your birthday?[/b] June 25th [b]What grade are you in?[/b] Senior [b]What are some of your hobbies and interests?[/b] Music (Listening and Composition) Writing Gaming Walking Photography Drawing and Painting [b]How would you describe your personality?[/b] Generally speaking, he tends to be pretty quiet and doesn't really like making much of a fuss over anything. In addition, he doesn't try to seek out new people nor enemies as he's just happiest to be by himself and enjoying the fresh air along with some jams. That said, when he does have to meet new people, he tends to be conservative and can be seen a little bit of a nerd/geek as he doesn't [i]chat[/i] chat about this and that and only wants to get the job done. [b]What has your life been like so far?[/b] Marcus' life has been a little bit of a roller coaster as, thanks to his mom passing away, he's been forced to go one place or another with his dad who moves around at least 3 or 4 times a year for work. As a result, he never really commits himself to calling any one place home, at least not yet, thus he never allowed himself to really make a friend and just tried to commit himself to being a wallflower. However, he's hoping that this will be the last home he's stuck moving to and from as his dad just got a new job, but, as they say, old habits die hard and he's still finding himself to be the wallflower that he doesn't want to be. [b]What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?[/b] LifeRocker - Victor Gooseneck [b]What are your thoughts on the project?[/b] He doesn't really have thoughts one way or another cause, but at the same time he's a little unsure about how it'll work with him. It's just something he'll have to work through and hope that he doesn't move before its over. [b]Anything else you'd like to add?[/b] [i](none)[/i][/center]