Gin opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Metou, his eyes going to her when she sounded so dulled by it. That was a bit upsetting, she could’ve at least pretended but instead she immediately denied it and made it sound like it was a disgusting thought. Maybe it was the fact he was a half-Oni, they were usually a call of shame on a family and to think one was in her family was probably considered disgusting to her; shame, he would’ve liked some family even if it was pretend. Sighing lightly in slight sadness over the thought he looked back to Kiko, staring at her as she made an agreement to tell them what they needed to know so long as she could go with them. That was fair enough, he thought, not seeing any danger in it. [color=f7941d]”I don’t see a problem. I would like some more company too if the others are okay with it”,[/color] he spoke, looking to Metou. He thought it would be nice, plus the woman seemed to like him so that was always a plus for him.