"Well, um... I didn't sense any large canine animals with my senses... I couldn't detect a viable heat signature of warm-blooded mammals and both hearing and sight couldn't find anything out either... I think the guy had an ability that made you see things that weren't there if that was the case." Though Sakie wasn't a Sherlock Holmes by any means, she could come along an answer such as this easily enough once she had enough insight to mull things over. "But still, to scare a young girl like you to this extent..." The high schooler murmured in a low tone as she looked over the tiny girl with a hint of worry in her eyes before reaching down and wrapping her arms about the girl once more to give her a comforting cool down hug, still very in the dark about the girl's inner nature. "You're safe now." Suffice to say, things were very soft and warm for the girl due to their respective heights and certain geographical locations.