[@thewizardguy] Mithias runs up a few steps in great curiosity as he recognized Bob. "Bob??" He tried to see if his old pal, the infamous Taker of Souls and Eternal Jester, could recognize at least one of the Mithias's. Alucard then started his attack. He was going to kill Bob and the woman he claimed was his child by alternating extreme temperatures, just for the fuck of it. "Alucard! Don't hurt them! Bob saved your life once you ungrateful lummox!" And just in case Alucard intended not to listen, Mithias began running toward Bob and the chick. "Bob! You have to get out of here! Run! Take a portal or something!" There was a good chance his words were lost in all the wind and waves of energy being given off. If he got close enough, he'd try to cut a rift that the three of them could jump through and escape, if only briefly. Either that, or Mithias would have to cut off a wing or something.