[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/LegendbyFire2_zpswtafo2yv.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."[/i] -Ella Wheeler Wilcox[/center] [i]"Rumors, no matter where you come from, where you're going, or where you are - they're pesky little things that entice and tempt, luring you to the end of the line only to find out that none of it was true. It doesn't how many times it disappoints though, there's always at least one rumor that is too mysterious, too good, too strange to pass up, because what if it was true? Then you might have found something actually of worth. Now, I'm too old to be going around the country side chasing hearsay, but if I was to bet coin on one rumor that actually has weight? I'd put my money on the moving shadows. It's too far spread to honestly ignore... even if it doesn't turn out to be these 'shadows,' who has the influence to effect all the kingdoms? Not many, hm?"[/i] -Julis, Retired Bard & Inn Owner of the Red Dragon No matter what your walk in life is, where you have been, or who you are... you suddenly find yourselves plagued by mysterious orbs of light. They push you and tempt you, whether it is your curiosity, or your caution, these orbs are leading you towards the mountains - always pushing you the moment you decided you're done, that you're tired of following them, they keep coming back until you chase after them. Where they are leading you, you've no idea, but you'll find out soon that there are others being brought together for the same reason. This is where the role-play starts. I imagine everyone will be in their own regions, homes, areas, or kingdoms when these orbs of light come. So the role-play will start with everyone chasing after lights and easily transition into a meeting between them all. Remember, your characters are legendary in both power and renown, so it won't be uncommon for them to know of each other, if not having actually met in the past - that's up to the players. I also want to note, I encourage players to help me design the kingdoms in the land. I may make the central kingdom myself however, but the land's geography is very easy to follow. The south is open grassy plains (as well as the central part of the land), east and west are filled with anything from sparse to thick pine forests, and the north is filled with bumpy foothills leading into snowy, jagged mountains. Generally speaking, kingdoms don't settle in the mountains proper though, but have set up in the foothills. Everywhere else is fair game. [hider=Player's Manual] [b][u]Table of Contents[/u][/b] 1 - [b]Gods[/b] 1.2 - [b]Young Gods[/b] 1.3 - [b]Elder Gods[/b] 2 - [b]Magic[/b] 2.2 - [b]Weave Magic[/b] 2.3 - [b]Alchemy[/b] 2.4 - [b]Deep Magic[/b] 3 - [b]Feudal System[/b] 4 - [b]List of Beasts/Monsters[/b] 5 - [b]The Land of Iliviace[/b] [hider=1 - Gods][h3][u]1 - Gods[/u][/h3] The general theory that there exists two classes of gods is widely accepted by everyone. There are the Young Gods and the Elder Gods. The Young Gods tend to rule over more concrete aspects of the world, such as fire, wind, and plants. On the other hand, the Elder Gods rule over more abstract elements such as fate, revenge, or justice. In total, there are 9 gods. Though people worship and praise them, it is also widely accepted that these deities do not need worship to exist and therefore religion is far more relaxed and taken on a more personal level. Normally, if one can follow their dogma, it is acceptable to gain access to being a member of a clergy - which in this setting is more about fellowship and promoting their god than trying to convert followers and hold sermons. [h3][u]1.2 - Young Gods[/u][/h3] [b][u]Yumar - Goddess of Air[/u][/b] Yumar is seen as a laid back, gentle type of deity. She tends to believe in freedom and avoiding conflict, though her wrath can be fierce at times, she is generally a more forgiving and understanding being. She is often the patron of hunters, explorers, plainsmen, and those who believe in freedom above all else. • [b]Dogma:[/b] Be understanding of one another and even if you disagree, give them the space to make their own choice in life. Freedom is the great gift to mortals and sometimes what may not be right for ourselves, may be perfect for another. Never let tyranny reign nor complete control over others for at times we need leaders but without freedom, we are all but puppets. [b][u]Frin - God of Fire[/u][/b] Seen as one of the more evilly-inclined deities, Frin often has a hot-blooded temper that can be easy to rile into a fury. He believes in confidence and standing up for yourself, no matter what you decide to do in life. Often times, he is the patron of bloodlust warriors, men with power addictions, and sometimes guards and those in the military. • [b]Dogma:[/b] Always be confident! Those without confidence are cowards and deserve to be walked on and over, because if you don't stand up for yourself and your beliefs, then you can't expect anyone else to either. Don't let anyone stand in your way - eyes always set on the goal at hand! [b][u]Wyrim - God of Water[/u][/b] Likely the most gentle deity of the Young Gods. He believes in aiding your fellow man, sacrificing time, coin, or items to make a better world for everyone. Though not to be confused with disowning everything, as he recognizes the need to take care of one's self. He is the patron of sailors, healers, and anyone who tends to have kind and gentle souls. • [b]Dogma:[/b] See a man suffering? Begging for coin? Perhaps a woman crying in the meadow? Then it is your obligation to try your best to assist them. Don't be a fool though - buy the man food instead of giving coin, for he may spend it on ale. Comfort the woman, but realize you are a stranger. Be wise and be giving in your choices, and surely I will be there to help you. [b][u]Gaia - Goddess of Plants[/u][/b] Gaia is both a kind and wrathful deity, giving aid to those who respect nature and dealing punishment to those who dare hurt the wilderness. She is one of the more focused deities with her sights less on civilization and more on the plants, the animals, and those who protect nature. She is the patron to druids, rangers, alchemists and farmers. • [b]Dogma:[/b] Man's world will see to itself, for kingdoms always rise and they always fall. The wilderness though is the world and so long as it survives, so does nature. Respect it, take only what you need, and protect it against those who'd reap her resources beyond their means. [b][u]Munti - God of Earth[/u][/b] Munti is a stoic, slow-moving, and thoughtful god. His rule is over the earth and it's minerals and believes in the spirit of shaping those minerals and earth to inspire others to greatness. He is mostly the patron of blacksmiths, artists, and miners. • [b]Dogma:[/b] Do not hide away precious stones and metals, but instead display them proudly. Shape them, form them into inspirations for your fellow man. Let your actions speak for you and always strive for the ideal of perfection. These are gifts - do not waste them. [b][u]Tina - Goddess of Magic[/u][/b] A rather bold deity, she is the only one to indirectly challenge one of the Elder Gods by the creation of Weave Magic. She believes that everyone should have some measure of control on outside forces, or in other words, have the ability to forge their own luck. She is mostly the patrons of the Magi. • [b]Dogma:[/b] Do not solely rely on others or even the Gods to save you from whatever situation you're in. Instead, forge your own luck, take my magic in hand and shift the fates around you by your will alone. I will not help those who do not first attempt to help themselves. [h3][u]1.3 - Elder Gods[/u][/h3] [b][u]Jergal - God of Fate[/u][/b] One of the most mysterious deities, is never-the-less perhaps the most famous. Not much is known about his personality besides that he preaches resolve and believes in determination. He is not the patron of many, but some individuals practice communing with him in hopes to gain divine visions of possible futures. Those who've been granted the Deep Magic may also turn to worship him. • [b]Dogma:[/b] There are many fates for many people and most will not escape the path set before them. However, if you can prove to me you are worthy, that you hold an absolute resolve in your heart, then you have earned my gifts - one that empowers you and gives you the means to not only walk whatever path you want, but to affect the fate of others. [b][u]Silv - Goddess of Revenge[/u][/b] Silv is seen as one of the most evilly-inclined deities by preaching revenge is not only a natural feeling, but one that should be pursued actively. She is a bitter, grudge-holding goddess that often has a sharp and harsh tongue. She is the patron of those who have been wronged and wish to take matters into their own hands. • [b]Dogma:[/b] An eye for an eye. If he took your wife, then you take his. If he took your son and doesn't have one his own, then take his sister or brother. Teach others that crossing your path is not wise. Look out for you and your own and if attacked, attack back! [b][u]Analil - Goddess of Justice[/u][/b] Seen as one of the most holy deities, Analil is a wise, patient, and compassionate deity. She preaches in justice, redemption, and seeking out good whenever able. She is often the patron of guards, knights, and anyone willing to redeem evil. • [b]Dogma:[/b] Seek out goodness in everyone, for even the most tainted person is not without warmth. Beware though, for even the best people, also cannot live without at least one evil thought. Everyone has the capability to be good, but actions must not be met without consequence, so justice should be served for crimes against others. Be fair, be wise, and be forgiving.[/hider] [hider=2 - Magic][h3][u]2 - Magic[/u][/h3] Magic comes in three primary forms; Weave, Alchemy, and Deep. Weave is mostly thought of as the most accessible and well-known type of magic, even to the point that some may have learned spells without even knowing it. Alchemy on the other hand is a very deliberate naturally occurring magic that has existed before the gods introduced their own versions. It is the act of mixing herbs and chemicals from magically charged plants and minerals to produce effects from potions. Deep Magic is the last of the three and by far the most powerful and also the most subtle. It is akin to more augmentation of abilities and skills than actual casting, however can only be gifted directly from Jergal himself. [h3][u]2.2 - Weave Magic[/u][/h3] Gifted to mortals by Tina, weave magic has millions of applications and spells, so many that even an Archmage could not possibly know all the spells. The basis of the spells were given to ancient mortals in the form of spell-books, explaining the arcane language and applications for certain words. So with a few spoken words and much needed mental concentration, a spell may be produced to do things out of the ordinary. These are not effects normally associated with what we're used to in fantasy. [b]Offensive Spells:[/b] These are actually fairly limited. They exist, but they aren't as practical as say a sword or bow, though they can be potentially more dangerous in the right application. Suffice it to say, the most you could ever produce is a fire-bolt, or perhaps a small ray of ice. It's enough to injure an opponent, slow them down, and possibly do some good damage - but you won't be shooting lightning bolts or creating earthquakes. Those less practiced in these spells might only be able to produce a flame in their hand or cause a layer of ice to form on someone's arm via touch. [b]Support Spells:[/b] Normally these are things like healing, making someone stronger or faster. In fact, these are limited to, mostly to healing types of magic such as closing minor wounds, curing a nasty disease in three days (so they could die if the disease is too far), or removing frostbite. There are some spells that include heightened vision, quicker reflexes, and a strong swing - but they are limited to pushing the body to it's max and not beyond. [b]Utility Spells:[/b] Most likely where you'll find this type of magic just shines. It is common place for Weave Magic to adjust small things, like luck - forcing an opponent to trip over a rock, a weak support beam to suddenly give out, but does other things too. You can unlock doors, read books by touch, light up a dark hallway, gain night vision, sense pulses of life through walls, magically repair chipped blades, mark targets, learn weaknesses, or blur a target's vision. These spells are like forcing luck to be in your favor or giving you slight cheats to life's daily problems. [h3][u]2.3 - Alchemy[/u][/h3] This type of 'magic' has been around since anyone can remember, even the deities (so some claim). It can be very simple and straightforward and equally confusing and complex. It's process is fairly simple and some plants and minerals are so commonplace that it isn't hard to learn their properties. However there are still so many different types that in some cases, only a master alchemist may know it's use, unless someone was fool-hardy enough to test it without knowing the outcome. They are always in the forms of potions, mixing grounded plants and minerals into various liquid - anything from normal water or manaliquid (extremely rare). These potions take a few minutes to effect the user and often enhance various abilities beyond normal means, such as gaining the strength of a bear, or the sight of an eagle, but they can also be used for different types of poisons that weakened their enemies. [h3][u]2.3 - Deep Magic[/u][/h3] This is the most unique type of magic to exist, because it's holder - Jergal - is very select on who he bestows this gift upon. Unlike the other magics, this is not a deliberate, active magic, but instead a powerful, passive magic. It's use is very simple in that it augments it's wielder's most defined abilities and talents to demi-god levels. While it does not make the individual a demi-god, nor capable of taking out armies, it does make already very skills people even more dangerous. It doesn't always affect combatants though, as a blacksmith has an equal chance of being granted this and thus forging almost magic-like weapons and armor. The requirement is simply spoken, but incredibly hard to accomplish - you must endure a great hardship, something that most people would fail, and show that you have the resolve to push through it's trails and challenges no matter the cause. It cannot, however, be self-inflicted. So you can easily see why this is a rare gift because not everyone in life is faced with so drastic a challenge that hardly anyone else pulls through, and those that are, rarely steel themselves with enough determination to conquer the hardship.[/hider] [hider=3 - Feudal System][h3][u]3 - Feudal System[/u][/h3] Not that this is brimming with complication, but the land follows a very simple system on how it works. At the top is the royal family, which is carried on with blood unless the whole family is somehow murdered or killed - in which case the nobles would vote on a new noble house to become the royal family. Below them are the lords and ladies who hold land over regions of the kingdom and also employ knights in their service, whom act as lesser nobles. Then the rest of the populace are considered commoners, from blacksmith to inn owner to adventurer. If a commoner has done a great service to the noble houses or the royal family, they may be knighted and rise in rank - but cannot go any further. Only those born in noble families can be lords or ladies of a house.[/hider] [hider=4 - Beasts/Monsters List][h3][u]4 - Beasts/Monsters List[/u][/h3] [i][b]Key: Rarity, Notes (Location Found)[/b][/i] • Wolves: Common (Forests / Foothills) • Bears: Common (Plains / Forests / Foothills) • Lions: Uncommon (Plains) • Snow Tigers: Uncommon (Jagged Mountains) • Basilisk: Rare, Human Size, Four-legged, poisonous lizard (Unknown) • Minotaur: Rare, 1.25x Human Size, Humanoid, Unintelligent, Extreme Strength (Unknown) • Ogre: Very Rare, 2x Human Size, Humanoid, Unintelligent, Easily Angered, High Strength, Tough Hide (Unknown) • Griffin: Very Rare, 2x Human Size, Four-legged, Lion Body / Eagle Wings & Head, Semi-intelligent, gentle (Rumored Deep Jagged Mountains) • Dryad: Very Rare, Human Size, Humanoid, Weave Magic without Speech, peaceful (Rumored Secret Nature Havens)[/hider] [hider=5 - Land of Iliviace][h3][u]5 - Land of Iliviace[/u][/h3] The land of Iliviace is an easy one to follow. The are open grassy plains spreading from the central of the continent southwards until it hits the shore. Then to the west and east are various levels of pine forests, dotting small clearings before giving way to another forest. To the north are rocky foothills that eventually lead into the jagged mountains. Finally, a few days of sea travel southwards is a smaller island housing a desert and it's own kingdom. As far as anyone else is aware though, the rest of the world is filled with oceans - no one has gone far enough and returned to report any other lands.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Rules] • All Guild Rules apply. • I may be a fair GM, but at the end of the day, my word is final. If you feel that it's a big enough point to discuss (after a decision has been reached), please send me a PM. Arguments in a public form, especially that are especially rude or hurtful, will get you kicked. • If there is a Co-GM, the same applies to them. The only person that can overrule them is myself, which might happen, but I'll generally trust my Co-GM(s) to handle situations in a mature manner. • Romance is not only welcomed, but encouraged, however please keep it PG-13. A little tease here and there or suggestive comment is fine, but anything beyond that, please feel free to take it to PMs (if both parties are comfortable). • Violence is going to be normal for this type of setting, but don't go overboard with the gore and blood. Also keep illegal acts out of this reol-play, such as rape, torture, or anything else that might make others uncomfortable. I won't have much tolerance for this. • Respect the other players. Even if your characters get in a spat, make sure that you don't project your feelings for McJerkFace the Paladin onto the player who plays him.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (21-40) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] (Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, Sapisosexual, etc) [b]Role in Society:[/b] (Commoner, Knight, Noble, or Royal Family - note Royal Family and Nobles will be given a bit more attention) [b]Occupation:[/b] (Different than above, since a commoner can be anything - just make sure the character is ready for combat) [b]Legend:[/b] (Describe here for me what the legend is surrounding your characters. Myths, rumors, anything that people talk about when it comes to your character. It doesn't have to be all true of course, but don't make it unrealistic - like, no one but gods have the power to destroy cities, so that's kind of out the window. However maybe they think your character is ten feet tall, can throw boulders, or maybe too fast for the eye to follow, or maybe they're like a ghost?) [b]Appearence Picture:[/b] (Not required, and I'd -rather- avoid anime, but I'm not against it) [b]Appearence:[/b] (Written description. Not required if you have a picture, but you can always provide more details or adjustments to pictures here, such as saying they have a scar not shown) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] (These can range from sewing, cooking, blacksmithing, hunting, tracking, archery, martial prowess and the like. You can also list these anywhere from novice to master levels - novice, apprentice, journeyman, expert, master) [b]Combat Flaws:[/b] (Be fair. I'd say you should have at least half as many weaknesses or flaws as you have skills or strengths. Don't worry about including skills such as cooking or art in this list though) [b]Personality Flaws:[/b] (I'd like to see two or more if possible. This can be social issues, fears, hangups, anger issues, etc, etc) [b]Magic Spells:[/b] (If they have any at all - be sure to read the player's manual for this part. Does NOT include Deep Magic) [b]Abilities:[/b] (You can choose up to two skills that have been augmented by the Jergal's Deep Magic. Explain how they've been elevated to legendary levels - for example, a duelist's skill at fencing might now be so precise as to almost never miss or a thief's senses might be highented to the point where they can almost never be ambushed. These two skills can have up to three different augmentations) [b]Backstory:[/b] (Where did they come from, what makes them who they are, where are they going in life and what made them legendary? Do note, there haven't been any land-threating villains for at least two-hundred years - meaning that legendary acts are limited to a single kingdom at most -- BE SURE TO READ THE PLAYER'S MANUAL ON DEEP MAGIC AND HOW IT'S ACQUIRED!)[/code][/hider] [hider=Kingdom Sheet][code]Name: [b]Location:[/b] (Southern plains, eastern or western foests, northern foothills or mountains) [b]Society:[/b] (How does the kingdom treat others, it's commoners, it's nobles, or the royal family. Is anyone free to do anything? Are adventurers respected?) [b]Unique Notes:[/b] (Do they have a special command of knights or hold a famous guild for mercenaries? Maybe the merchant's guild or a trading hub for a lot of other kingdoms?) [b]Other:[/b] (Any other information you want to include to help define and make the kingdom come to life. You can add other sections too if you'd like)[/code][/hider] [hider=What I'm Looking For][b][u]What I'm Looking For[/u][/b] • [u]Dedicated[/u], mature players. This doesn't mean you need to be an adult, but only that you keep things civil, respect each other, and speak up if there's an issue. Do note, dedicated is underlined. ^.- • Anywhere from 4-8 players. • Characters that have high potential to work together in an adventuring party. I'm all for realism, drama, heartache, and sparks between characters, [b]but[/b] these characters need to ultimately work with one another on this adventure. • No evil or murderous characters. By murderous, I mean types of characters that are eager to kill others - this type of setting can easily force even the best of us to kill others in defense of themselves or others. Anti-heroes are fine, so long as they are clearly not evil individuals. Those on the fence might be looked at closely. • A post at least once a week, give or take some time. If real life gets in the way, simply drop a note in the OOC (when it's created) and let me know! I'm rather laid back about this. However there will be a limit where I may ask you to politely leave or take control of the legendary figure to make room for another. • I'd personally claim this as a high-causal role-play, but don't let that scare you. As long as your post has some real heart and feeling to it, I'll be happy with it.[/hider] [hider=What You Can Expect From Me][b][u]What You Can Expect From Me[/u][/b] • Dedication. I cannot ask that of you and not offer it in return. This goes beyond staying with the role-play, but dedication to trying to find any compromises to characters, subplots, or issues. If you prove you're a dedicated player, I will do anything in my power to keep you happy. This is as much for me as it is for you. • Understanding. Whether this understanding is of how much you love your character concept, how uncomfortable a situation might be, or how important a subplot is to you, I will try my best to work with you. Do note though, sometimes things will just not fit with the setting, in which case we can try and find an alternative solution together. • A personal touch. If you come to me with a character's personal quest or reveal something in the role-play that is important to your character, I will try to note it down for later use. Maybe they will run into something that helps them grow stronger, but beware - evil surrounds this quest, so those personal details could be used against them too. ^.- • No characters will die. I know some prefer the thrill of this danger and revel in it, but like so many, I hate to put so much heart into a character and then have them die. Unless you specifically ask for a situation where they die, they won't be dying. They might get injured, go through personal trails, be challenged and perhaps even depressed, but their adventure won't end.[/hider] [u][b]Question & Comments[/b][/u] Please don't be afraid to come to me with questions and comments on the setting. I may have forgotten something or maybe you have a question about a character idea - I'm here to help you find something in this land that inspires you and makes you want to post!~ [u][b]FAQ[/b][/u] • Q: Can I have an explanation of some abilities? • A: Sure, here's an easy one. A legendary blacksmith is a master at forging weapons. So his Deep Magic then might be, he can either choose to forge weapons that are sharp enough to cut steel, are hardened enough to be smash by boulders and not bend or break, or maybe cut wounds are now harder to heal, leaving an enemy bleeding. He can use all three augmentations of the ability at once, but he has reason not too - if he sells these (and probably does or only gives them to specific individuals). • Q: Where are the Kingdoms? • A: On the Characters Tab, under Accepted Characters. • Q: Is this humans only? • A: Yes, [u]unless[/u] you feel like submitting a fantasy race for approval. I'll accept one to two races max and they must be grounded or more human-like (like elves, dwarves, halflings). So no half-dragons, golems, vampires, werewolves, or other such things. • Q: Does my legendary act have to be related to my legend? • A: No, not at all. You can have a knight for example that through sheer determination and resolve, survived a twenty man ambush, but the legends surrounding him might be about how he was the direct reason why the war was won. A weak example, but it shows how they can be different things. Proving yourself worthy and the legend and myths surrounding you are separate (if sometimes related) things. • Q: What's the world's name? • A: Iliviace • Q: What type of characters do you play? • A: Well, namely confident, strong, but more submissive lesbians. So the types that can be warriors and heroes, but not exactly leaders. • Q: Are you needing a Co-GM? • A: Quite possibly yes!! I can get busy sometimes and having someone step in while I'm busy would be amazing and help me with executing the plot or even taking control of personal subplots.