I'm planning to use bombs/mines of Ferrum perhaps :3. Also, a new creature :3 [hider=Living Caith Capsules] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rwbyfanon/images/3/37/Squishy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140106200534[/img] [b]Official Name:[/b] Living Caith Capsules [b]Scientific name:[/b] Anima Pacaith [b]Common Name:[/b] Caith Sacs [b]Conservation status:[/b] Currently under revision [b]Genus:[/b] Unknown(Slime?) [b]Classification:[/b] Pet/Specimen [b]Appearance:[/b] The Caith Sacs, as many have come to call them, are a rather intriguing specimen. Appearing as a ball of colored slime, with big, round eyes, some have thought them to be rather cute. Their size can very from a water droplet, to even one the size of a large dog. [b]Biology:[/b] It is currently unknown what the Caith Sacs are made off. That and what animal they come from. Their diet consists of 'trapped' Caith. However, what seems intriguing, is that they don't actually need it to survive. The Caith Sacs don't necessarily need to eat. They only seem to be attracted to the crystal for reasons unknown. However, what's intriguing is that if they eat small amounts of the same Caith, those separate crystals will become a single piece of Caith. For example, if a Caith Sac eats two small Stannum crystals, that will -over time- form a larger, singular Stannum crystal. This does NOT combine different Caith together. While this may seem like something only at a level of amusing, Caith researchers and some Urgist find this creature of an absolute value. Especially for those who work with Caith that can only be obtained bit by bit, or even crystal that had been shattered, the Caith Sacs are used to combine the pieces to a more manageable size. Caith Sacs expel the crystal out of their bodies when stroked or petted. Thus, some Urgist utilize them as storage that doubles as a pet. The interesting this about these creatures is that, they never die, nor do they reproduce. Akin to water(or anything liquid), they split apart into multiple smaller Caith Sacs, or mold back together into a larger Caith Sac. Slicing, crushing, any physical damage only 'reproduces' them, while elemental damage seems to do nothing. They move by either hopping, rolling, or sticking and inching up/down. [b]Sociology:[/b] Caith Sacs are extremely social creatures. Once they become attached to a person, they are known to follow and even climb onto them. Mostly, they prefer to bond with those who work with Caith, generally rolling around their 'owner's' work station, picking up all Caith dust and minuscule crystals that may have dropped onto the floor. Those that don't bond, generally can be found wherever Caith research takes place, with more Caith researchers tolerating, and sometimes even enjoying their presence. They seem to communicate with a series of 'pops' and 'squish' sounds, along with slight changes to their shape and consistency. [/hider]