"[color=a36209]I see.[/color]" Kenji replied to Takumi. "[color=a36209]Well then, I better join them to see if I am of any help. Will you be coming, Mister Takumi?[/color]" Regardless if Takumi went or not, Kenji would join his comrades who seem to be having a pleasant conversation with a person of short white hair and sported a pair of catlike ears wearing only robes. Was he a Neko? Whatever the answer was, Yuudai was having great fun playing with the new person, carrying him on her shoulder like it was no one's business. Approaching the group, Kenji first addressed the half-Oni. "[color=a36209]I see you have already returned Yuudai. Swift as the wind.[/color]" He complimented Yuudai and not bothering to bring up his half-empty wallet. "[color=a36209]Sooo... is this the impostor you have been worried about?[/color]" Kenji then asked Jiang for an explanation for all of this.