[hr][centre][h2][color=FireBrick][i]M[/i]onster [i]H[/i]unter[/color][b] [color=Crimson]:[/color][/b] [color=Orange]In the[/color] [color=DarkGray]Shadow[/color] [color=Orange]of[/color] [color=Black]Black Wings[/color][/h2][/centre][hr] [indent][h3][color=Gold]Introduction[/color][/h3] [indent][color=Yellow][b]W[/b]elcome Hunter! You're about to embark on a journey unlike any other, in this sandbox style Monster Hunter fandom RP a mysterious new species of monster has been reaping havoc on several different eco-systems, even the eco-systems of water monsters! That of course means, trade and communication between several villages has become near impossible and it is up to you Hunter, to help fix this problem! This RP will make use of the Monster Hunter species and maps found in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, if you are worried about spoilers in any of these two games, don't worry! The plot and characters will be entirely original content and I am not a fan of using already existing characters from the canon, that means all new NPC's! The creatures will be the same as well as various armour pieces and weapons, however, a level of customisation and your own spin on things is not only possible, but encouraged, so if you got a weapon idea, armour idea or even a new type of creature idea, feel free to share it![/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=Gold]Setting[/color][/h3] [indent][color=Yellow]As stated above, we'll be using the maps from the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate games, I'll be adding links to maps and a bestiary of the maps as they become relevant or 'unlocked'. So keep your eyes peeled and check this section for when ever maps are unlocked. But that's not all! What is one of the best features of Monster Hunter? If you said everything, you're correct, but in particular, the personal farms and locations to keep and train your Felyne friends! As we play through, we'll get to unlock our own custom HQ for farming, mining and Fishing and we'll also get to unlock a Felyne barracks in our HQ to train Felyne, send them on expeditions and adventures as well as to have them cook for us![/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=Gold]Plot[/color][/h3] [indent][color=Yellow]The plot in this RP will be geared towards a team effort, we'll plan out in the OOC what missions should be available to us, what we think we can handle and what we want to do, and then we'll act on it! Our ultimate goal is to kick what ever has started the chaos that is happening right in the butt! But along the way, we should tackle some short term goals that include re-establishing trade routes, making items and upgrading our gear! I don't want to put too much of a restraint on what we can and should do, as one of the best parts of Monster Hunter is its freedom! That said, we need to make sure we know what one another is planning and make sure we both have fun! As is with traditional Monster Hunter fashion, we start of as lowly noob hunters with only basic training and just enough experience to be able to go out and start hunting the beginner creatures that exist out there![/color][/indent][/indent] [centre][h3][color=FireBrick]Character Sheet[/color][/h3] [noparse][b]~Name~[/b] (Please include your characters first and last name.) [b]~Nick Name~[/b] (What would you prefer your character to be called?) [b]~Age~[/b] (Self explanatory) [b]~Appearance~[/b] (What do you look like?) [b]~Bio~[/b] (Tell me a little bit about your character, what are they like? Do they have any strong convictions? Why did they choose to become a hunter? Stuff like that.) [b]~History~[/b] (Share a little bit about your characters past, if you prefer this be kept secret and that it be revealed in the RP, than leave this blank.) [b]~Gear~[/b] (What monster hunter goodies do you start off with? ~ Primarily, what type of armour and weapon are your using?)[/noparse][/centre]