Name: Pons (Rhymes with Wants) Cordeena Appearance: Short, slim, black hair, dark complexion, and androgynous features Picture Age: 13 Room: 8 Race: Southeast Asian Mind/Body Magic Magic Specialty: Telepathy and Healing Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind): 1) Wind 2) Water 3) Earth 4) Fire Magic Affinity: Spiritual Unique Traits: Born androgynous, has a sixth toe, doesn't mind being referred to with male or female pronouns interchangeably. Likes: Cute animals Dislikes: Violence Personality: Kind, introspective, overcoming her shyness and trying to make friends History: Pons was born into the Southeast Asian culture of acceptance and even veneration for transgendered persons. Back home, he has a pet turtle, a pet monkey, a pet ... well, the house is full of animals he cares for. His father works for the government in an office, and his mother works as a secretary. But her grandmothers both live at home, and dote on their little Pons. Nevertheless, Pons is not unfamiliar with hardship. Two years ago her parents were both unemployed, and Pons and his 2 brothers and 2 sisters were homeless. Pons's father had lost his job and within 1 week both of his grandfathers died tragically. He was very grateful that his life was turning around. One day he was looking throught boxes in the attic when he noticed stars shining beyond a dark section he had never noticed before. He investigated and found that there was another section of the attic and painted on the far wall was a beautiful representation of the night sky. Holes had been punched through the wall to let in light around the brighter stars. As he stared he noticed a galaxy swirling, and touched it with his finger. Suddenly he was pulled off his feet and into the painting. Pet desired: Lesser Dragon: Mental Other: Follow the rainbow. Question for GM: How much of their Earthly lives do our characters remember?