Yuudai had picked up the robed neko as Kenji started to walk over to where they were [color=ed145b][i][b]"Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you were. Something keep you?"[/b][/i][/color] She asked before getting a tail whacked into her fact, which gave her all the hint she needed to put down Tetsu. She clearly did not understand his embarrassment about the whole thing, though that was common for her to think for everyone as she was way too honest with herself. [color=ed145b][i][b]"By the way. Given what you are talking about I suspect you could not see the leader of Ru?"[/b][/i][/color] Despite everything that was being broguht up she remained with that look of indifference [color=ed145b][i][b]"Hmm well then it looks like you will have to tell us what you asked. Since it IS your fault that we cannot see her ourselves right Tetsu?~"[/b][/i][/color] Yuudai made sure to lean in closer as if to drive her point home that it was all his fault, bad neko. She did not really hold it against him though [color=ed145b][i][b]"Ah well, at least I will get to see this great leader as well tomorrow. We can go tomorrow right?"[/b][/i][/color] She looked between Kenji and Jiang.